As I look at various websites that feature information for homeschoolers, I notice the huge number of learning materials that are geared toward a Christian homeschool philosophy. I am a Christian, and I love having so many Christ-centered books and supplements available for me to purchase. I also know that a great many homeschool families are Christian, but this doesn’t mean that every homeschooler is.
Homeschoolers come from all religious backgrounds. They come from all ethnic backgrounds. They come from all economic backgrounds. There isn’t a set formula that determines what makes a homeschooler – except for one, and that is this: we want an alternative to other forms of education. We can be working parents or stay-at-home parents. We can be married or single. We can be comprised of two same-gender parents. We are made up of any variety of components—we aren’t cookie cutters.
If you are contemplating homeschool but you fear you don’t “fit the mold,” let me assure you that there is room for you, regardless of your circumstances. You may find that the homeschoolers in your area seem to be like each other, but not like you—don’t let that deter you. If you go online, you will find homeschoolers the world over who are in your same situation. They have made it work, and so can you. Chat groups are available with advice and support for your needs.
The mold doesn’t exist. Instead, I would say that it’s a rubber band, stretching to include all who want alternatives. The only thing that would hold you back is perhaps your own reluctance, but as you ask questions, you can overcome that reluctance and find ways to truly fit in and discover how homeschool can be a blessing in your life and the lives of your children.
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