If you are a scrapaholic, then you know how much you can save by buying supplies in bulk. It truly is the most cost effective means of creating layout after layout, considering how much you have to pay for individual pieces of patterned scrapbook paper, stamps, stickers, etc.
Fortunately, you can scrapbook like mad without going broke by purchasing supplies from a wholesale source. By doing so you can get mountains of materials at discounted prices. Of course, there is a downside to these bargains. For starters, you will need a ton of storage space if you plan to buy in bulk. Plus, you may end up spending more money up front than you would if you shopped at a specialty scrapbook store.
The key to making bulk buying work for you is to purchase the materials you know you won’t waste. For example:
*Scrapbook paper
*Stamps and ink pads
*Paper punches
*Scrapbook storage containers
To stretch your dollar even farther, consider pooling your money with fellow scrapbooking friends and split the supplies. Doing so will allow you to save on discounted merchandise, but you won’t have to deal with the leftovers or storage concerns.
Before you decide whether or not to chip in with your friends to buy bulk supplies, it’s a good idea to assess what you already have. For example, it doesn’t pay to buy patterned paper in bulk if you only use it in small quantities. Likewise, if you don’t use photo corners or cardstock on many of your layouts, you probably will be wasting money if you purchase them in bulk.
If you live in a major metropolitan area, you shouldn’t have a problem finding scrapbook wholesale suppliers. However, if you live in a small city or rural area, then you are better off buying in bulk from online retailers, such as Holly’s Wholesale Scrapbooking Supplies, which doesn’t require that you own a business to place an order. Scrapbuck.com is also an excellent resource. It offers scrapbook supplies at wholesale discounts, and the minimum order requirement is relatively low.
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