Yesterday, I made a real non-frugal faux pas. I had the sudden impulse to buy my son some ice cream (there’s nothing wrong with that!). But my husband and I, kids at heart, also felt we had earned our stick of ice cream that day. So, I went out to buy 3 sticks of ice cream, only to realize, after I had paid, that I could have bought a half a quart of our favorite flavor for the amount I spent on three gaudily colored, prepackaged lumps of ice cream with sticks at the bottom. So where does the money go? On those sticks? On the packaging? Who knows. The ice cream wasn’t half as tasty after I realized that we could have enjoyed a much larger amount of yummier ice cream for the same price.
This illustrates the basic principle of buying in bulk, which has long been justifiably touted as a great way to save money. My husband and I do not have a car, so buying in bulk is more of a challenge for us than it is for those who have a family auto. However, there is hope for the car-less, since, for a modest delivery fee, many places will bring your groceries to you, and some charge a set price for as many bags as you wish. At first, I balked at the delivery fee (which was not such a big deal, but I thought I was being “careful”), until I sat down, did some math, and realized that the amount I pay buying moderate amounts at corner stores make the delivery fee at “Mister Cheap” (actual name of discount place here! Sounds like the place after my former boss) seem miniscule. Whether you are going by car or bus, it is worth making the trip out to buy in bulk at discount places.
Obviously, before you go, you will want to make a master list. Don’t panic if you forget something (Ugh! The other day, I forgot and had to buy toilet paper at a local store. Highway robbery!), but take a “tour” through your home, make a list of things you need, and buy for the entire month (everything from diapers to pasta). Not only will you save a lot of money by buying in bulk, you will also save yourself a lot of time spent running out to an expensive corner place to buy something last minute for dinner (and for the money spent buying those extra goodies you spy wile standing on line).