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Buying School Supplies

Although the summer vacation has just begun, the school supplies are slowly coming out. Just yesterday, I noticed a few stores clearing shelves out and putting up rows of crayons, glue, and scissors.

Before you run off and begin gathering things up for fear that they will soon be gone, make sure that you check with your child’s upcoming teacher or school first. Some teachers require specific supplies, such as certain colors of folders or types of crayons and scissors.

Other teachers do not ask for supplies at all. Instead, they ask for a supply fee. The teachers then go out and buy all needed supplies. This way all of the children have exactly the same items and there are fewer arguments and fights.

I have found that many parents also had rather send in a supply fee rather than fight the Wal-Mart crowds for school supplies.

Also check school policies before buying a backpack for your child. Many children are more excited about purchasing a new backpack than any other school supply. However, a lot of schools have rules and regulations on which backpacks they will allow. Some schools require clear backpacks in order to prevent concealed weapons. Many schools do not allow, or prefer that students do not bring, rolling backpacks.

In my county, some stores keep a storage of school supply lists on hand for parents when they come shopping. This way parents know exactly what to buy.

In addition to a school supply list, many teachers also have a wish list. A wish list is a list of items that teachers need but students are not required to bring into class. These items usually include things such as cleaning supplies, tissues, markers, copy paper, craft supplies, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.

In today’s world buying school supplies can be a very complicated process. This is mainly due to the many different types of supplies offered. Make sure that you know what you are buying and do not give into fancy packaging. If so, you may end up spending more than you had planned.

Start of the Year Cheap School Supplies

What’s on Your Child’s Supply List?

A Note About School Supply Sales