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C-Section Rates Are Higher Than Ever

I can’t believe how common cesarean sections are these days. According to an article published on businessweek.com, nearly one in three deliveries are via c-section. That is a scary number. Women’s bodies are meant to delivery vaginally and cesareans should only be performed in emergencies. The fact that the cesarean rate is approaching one third means something is seriously wrong with our health care system.

Cesareans are more likely to happen when labor is induced. Unfortunately, induction is happening with more and more frequency, and for all the wrong reasons. The general rule of thumb when it comes to labor and delivery is that Interventions lead to more interventions. The first intervention is often induction, and that is the easiest one to prevent. It stands to reason that the first step to reducing the number of cesareans is reducing the number of inductions. Both patients and doctors need to be more patient and let labor progress naturally. First time moms need a lot more time to deliver. Unfortunately they are often put under unrealistic time limits. Different standards should be set for first time moms so that they are given more time to naturally deliver.

In the meantime, there are several things moms can do to increase their chances of having a vaginal delivery. First, moms should stress to their doctors that they want to let labor progress naturally, and they should do so before it is too late. Doctors are sympathetic to the wants and needs of their patients. If moms are pushing for an induction, why wouldn’t doctors lean toward that method if she is full term and extremely uncomfortable? for that reason, the last week of pregnancy is not the time to discuss inductions, since you are going to be compromised in your beliefs due to all the discomfort. It is best to discuss it a few months before it becomes an issue. Go ahead and let your doctor know that you only want to be induced if it is emergency, even if you beg for it the day you reach week 40.

Another way to avoid a cesarean is to avoid going to the hospital too early. As soon as you check in, the clock is ticking. If you want more time to labor naturally, do so as long as you can, safely, at home. Don’t go to the hospital until the contractions are less than five minutes apart and you are unable to speak during a contraction.

Finally, be open with your doctor about your concerns over a cesarean. Discuss things you can do to avoid getting a c-section and make sure you are aware of your doctor’s c-section rates. If he is doing a lot of cesareans, you may want to find another doctor with a lower cesarean rate.

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.