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California Considers Banning Spanking

California spankers beware, you may have to pay a fine or face jail time for spanking your kids. The state Legislature is seeking to outlaw spanking kids under the age of 3. Assemblywoman Sally Lieber of Mountain View, sponsored the bill. If it passes, California will become the first state to ban parents from spanking their kids. The bill is still being drafted and will be written in broad terms but will be written to prohibit “any striking of a child, any corporal punishment, smacking, hitting or punching”.

The offense would be considered a misdemeanor and a parent could face up to a year in jail or pay a fine of up to $1,000. However, first time offenders will probably only have to attend parenting classes.

If this bill passes it is sure to become a hotbed issue. Many feel it won’t pass, however, and point out that even on the slim chance that it does, there’s no way to effectively enforce it. If it occurs in public that’s one thing, but a parent who spanks their child in the privacy of their own home, well there’s no way of monitoring what a parent does at home. Unless of course the state places video surveillance equipment in each and every house in California. Although this may seem strange to use, more than 10 European countries already have bans on spanking.

To spank or not to spank, is one of those issues that probably won’t ever have everyone on the same page. Both sides are passionate about their reasons for spanking or not spanking. It’s like the breast vs. bottle debate; it’s a matter of choice. I was spanked as a child and I turned out okay. I spank Tyler when necessary and I don’t think anyone has a right to dictate if I should spank my child. Does spanking make me a bad parent? I think not. What some parents do is take spanking too far and end up abusing their kids. That’s a whole different issue. But I think the majority of parents who use spanking as a disciplinary technique aren’t abusers.

Tell me, would you support a ban on spanking in your state?

See also:

To Smack Or Not To Smack? What is The Answer?

Ways To Avoid Spanking

Is Your Method of Discipline Working?