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California Genealogy Resources

California flag Searching for information about ancestors who lived in California? There are a lot of genealogy resources out there that can help you. They are scattered across the internet on a bunch of different websites. Here is a quick list of some California genealogy resources, all in one place.

Ancestry.com has a database that lists all of their collections of California genealogy records. If you have a membership at Ancestry.com, then you will be able to access all of the collections. If you don’t, then you are restricted to the few that are being offered for free. Make sure to return to this list periodically. Ancestry.com adds more stuff all the time and clearly marks it as “New/Updated”.

FamilySearch has a FamilySearch Wiki page about California. You can narrow down your search by the county that your ancestor lived in. The Wiki has links to many major repositories of California genealogical informations (such as the California State Archives, the Family History Library, and much more). Scroll to the bottom of the Wiki to find a list of links to other California genealogy resources that are mentioned in the Wiki.

The California State Archives is another good resource. All items that are on deposit in the California State Archives that are 75 years old, or older, are made accessible to the public. Genealogists might want to start with the link called “Family History Resources” or perhaps the one called “Oral Histories”.

The California State Library has a collection of California genealogy resources. Highlights of the collection include the California federal census population schedules for 1850 – 1930, the 1852 state census (including indexes prepared by the Daughters of the American Revolution), telephone directories, and historical newspapers from around the state.

Cyndi’s List has a page that is filled with links to resources for California genealogy. Pick a link, and it will open up a new page with links to where you can do more research. Resources that require you to spend money before you can see them are marked with a little green dollar sign.

The Southern California Genealogical Society has an annual Jamboree that takes place in June. You do not have to be a member of the Southern California Genealogical Society to attend, but there are a lot of benefits that come to people who are members.

The California Genealogical Society has a wide range of resources on their website. You can find out what upcoming events are planned or click on links that will take you to resources that will help your research.

Image by Håkan Dahlström on Flickr