A pedometer does more than just keep track of your steps. I really believe it can help you lose weight. First of all, if you are new to the idea of walking for exercise you might not realize how many steps a day you are taking. Experts believe that those who are seeking optimal fitness should take 10,000 steps a day. That sounds like a lot. In fact it might sound impossible. But I challenge you to purchase a pedometer and find out how many steps you are already taking. You just might be surprised.
Once you see how many steps a day you are already walking it becomes a motivator to work your way to those 10,000 steps. Suddenly you are making decisions that you might not have before. You decide to take the steps instead of the elevator. You take the long way through a store or mall. You decide that going up and down the stairs to do your laundry isn’t so bad after all.
Another reason a pedometer can help you lose weight is because it gives you a baseline on which to plan an exercise program. Let’s say that after wearing one you discover that you already take 6,000 steps a day. You can then plan a way to make up for the last 4,000 steps—perhaps by walking through your neighborhood, at the mall or on your treadmill. Once you reach your goal you feel pretty good about yourself. Nothing is more motivating than that. Not only do you feel good about yourself emotionally but physically you will have more energy.
Pedometers aren’t expensive. Of course, you can purchase a higher end one but you can usually find them from anywhere around $20 and up. It’s an easy way to keep track of your steps and give you the drive to take some extra steps.
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