Yes you can!!! The process of building your milk supply from very little or non-existent to an adequate supply to feed a baby is called relactation. There are a variety of reasons women wean prematurely, but you will be most successful in establishing a breastfeeding relationship again, if you relactate within the first 12 weeks of giving birth. The hormones that are at work to establish your milk supply take a sharp dip after 12 weeks post partum.
The Process
Breasts are stimulated to make milk by the sucking of the baby. However, the baby will not suck at the breast if there’s nothing coming out! Therefore, in order to be successful at relactating, a woman must use a supplemental nutritional system such as the Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer.
A SNS (supplemental nutritional system) is basically a little bag with a small tube that you tape next to your breast. Formula, or expressed breast milk (if possible) goes into the bag. When you get baby to suck at the breast, baby should be sucking on the areola as well as the little tube. This way, the baby is getting something to drink from the tube thus encouraging him to stay at the breast longer. However, his sucking at the breast encourages your body to produce it’s own milk.
It is important to reduce the amount of stress in your life as much as possible. I have to admit, as a mother with 5 children, I am giggling even as I write this. But it is true that stress inhibits the production of milk and so it is important, as much as possible, to reduce the stressors in your environment.
Building Supply
The answer to this question is different for every woman. There are numerous factors that contribute to how long it might take you to fully establish your own supply. These include your health and nutrition, the support systems you have in place, how long since you’ve stopped nursing and how many weeks post partum you are. It is important to remember that you can relactate but that it will take a lot of patience. It is also important to remember that any amount of breast milk you give your baby is better than none at all.
You will need to nurse 2-3 times per day. You will want to try to nurse when the baby is hungry but before the baby is screaming. As your supply builds you will gradually be able to wean from the SNS.
Getting Support
It is important to get support while you’re building your supply and breast feeding your baby. One of the best places to get support is your local la leche league group. You can also seek out the professional support of a IBCLC.