Many new homeschooling moms ask, “When do I have the time to clean the house if I am homeschooling all day?” Dividing your day between school and housework can prove difficult. As moms, we tend to think that we have to do it all. We also tend to think that every other mom out there is managing better than we are. There are only so many hours in the day and some days you will have to choose between a good school day and a clean house. Relax, you are not the only homeschooling mom with a dish or two in the sink or a load of laundry left in the washer from the day before, or floors you cannot see under books and Legos.
The next time you look around your home and find your decor looks more “tornado struck” than “lived in” ask yourself a few questions: Why are you home today? What are your priorities? What will your kids remember years from now? I think you will find the answers do not include scrubbing the kitchen floor or alphabetizing your spice rack. You are home to educate your children. You sacrifice to give your children the best part of you and the best life has to offer. Your priority is family, education, and preparing for the future. Will your children remember a frazzled mommy trying to balance too much? Will they remember sparkling clean floors or a mom who sacrificed to give them a quality education?
The sheer amount of time, effort, and love that goes into educating your children will not always allow for a dust-free home. Know going into this that your house will never make the cover of House Beautiful. However, as women, our emotions and moods are often tied into the organization of your home. I am not suggesting we abandon all hope and let the dishes pile up the ceiling. What I am suggesting is giving yourself a break from the pressure of having a perfectly clean house and perfectly educated children.
Life is a balancing act and we need to keep our focus on how we can best benefit our families. A clean house and a frazzled mom is not preferable to an imperfect house and a healthy and happy mom.
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