I recently received a question on one of my homeschooling posts from a single mom. She wanted to know the possibilities of homeschooling her daughter on the road as she travels for her job.
While I asked another single parent homeschool blogger to elaborate on her experiences from the viewpoint of a single working mom, I want to address homeschooling on the road.
There is actually a term for homeschooling on the road. It is called car schooling. The term car schooling includes any number learning activities you can do in the car. Most carschoolers do not spend all of their time on the road, but some do. In fact, many homeschooling families have taken a year or so off to homeschool from an RV while touring the country.
Homeschooling on the road does not have to be any different from homeschooling at home. Online curriculum may not be as accessible because an Internet connection may not be readily available. However, there are many other resources you can use while homeschooling on the road.
Books: Your child can read many books, especially at night. When in a moving vehicle, however, it may be more fun to listen to books on tape. You and your child can listen to all the classics and then discuss them while driving.
Movies and videos: If you have a DVD player in your car, you can take advantage of educational videos you can purchase online, or rent from the library.
Games: The book, Carschooling details hundreds of educational games that you can play while driving.
The most important aspect of homeschooling on the road is flexibility. You need to remember that homeschooling does not have to happen during traditional school hours. All you need is a good plan (curriculum) and four to five hours a day to homeschool… any four or five hours.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start here!