This question is very common among women pregnant with their second child. You love your child so much; it can be hard to imagine having the same strong feelings about another baby. This worry can become real fear and can even cause guilt. I remember feeling this way when I was pregnant with my second daughter.
Your relationship with your second will be different than the one you enjoy with your first baby. After all, they are two unique individuals. This doesn’t mean the love is less, it isn’t. It’s just different. Your first baby made you a mother and that special bond will always exist in your heart, as it should.
You will find that you love your second born in a different way, but that love is just as strong. Your second baby will have a unique personality and you will respond to that. Relax and enjoy getting to know your new little bundle of joy. The love will come naturally.
There is some good news regarding parenting the second baby. When my second daughter was born, I felt more confident as a mother. I didn’t worry as much about breastfeeding and whether she was getting enough milk. I was more relaxed when she would go through spurts of crying and was better able to respond to her cues.
You may also have feelings of guilt toward your first born child. After all, this child has had every bit of your attention since birth. Won’t she feel neglected after the arrival of her sibling? The short answer is yes, her life will change. This change won’t necessarily be all bad.
My daughter was only 21 months old when her little sister arrived. I worried so much about her reaction. Would she be able to handle a new baby in the house? She had us for the first 21 months all to herself. She was still so small. How would she adjust to the new baby? This caused anxiety and guilt in me.
It turned out that all my fear and anxiety was needless. My daughter did take some time to adjust to the change in our routine. Some things definitely changed. Daddy took over the duties of putting her to bed at night, since I was often busy nursing the new baby. She did adjust very well and loved her little sister from the first moment she saw her. So did I.
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