Do you ever wonder why many of us are not overly enthusiastic about spending time working on our personal finances? It can be frustrating, to be sure, but there is more to it than that. It’s serious stuff, and it really is not all that fun. Or is it? It is possible that there are ways to make dealing with your personal finances a little less doom and gloom and a little more fun and games.
Speaking of fun and games, now is a good time to remember that if your personal finances are managed well, you will certainly have more fun than if they are not. Personal finance can be thought of like a game, and thinking of it in this way can help you to get into the spirit and find the energy and motivation to give it your best effort. One way to get started on making personal finance more fun is to write down your personal finance goals, as you currently see them.
Once you have your goals written down, think of a way to rewrite each one so that it sounds like a contest, game, or challenge. Some examples could be “How quickly can I pay off my XYZ credit card”, or “Can I save enough for a down payment on a house or car within the next year?” With the right words to light your motivational fires, you may be surprised at how much more committed you feel to achieving your newly reworded personal finance goals.
Everyone likes to win, and when you get creative with finding ways to work towards your personal finance goals, you will win each time you achieve one. Keep it up and you will win the ultimate prize – financial independence and the peace of mind that comes with it.
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