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Can You Homeschool Through College Too?

I just read on the Why Homeschool blog that MIT has started a “free and open educational resource for students, educators, and self-learners”. This means that if you want to the knowledge you can get in a college scholarship, it is there for the taking.

A large segment of the population thinks that homeschooling is a great idea, as long as you put the child back in school in time for high school. With my two children being middle school age, many people who once supported me in homeschooling now ask, “When are you putting your kids back in school?” I reply that they do not need to go to traditional schooling to get into college.

With college education now free online, I have to wonder if they even need to go to college at all. (Although I still want them too.) If a person wants to learn something, all they need to do to is read the information and absorb it. However, just as a homeschooled prospective college student has missing high school credentials, a potential employee would have a hard time explaining to an employer that they have all the knowledge they need with none of the credentials.

I am sure in time that these credential and diploma problems will work themselves out. Perhaps, in the future, there will be a process of testing through both high school and college credits in order to gain the needed credentials and diplomas an employer needs to measure knowledge base. Perhaps each job will have a test. However this all turns out in the end, I know one thing for certain… Homeschooling has turned education on its head.

Read: Can Homeschoolers Go to College by Tristi Pinkton

Colleges and Universities That Have Accepted Homeschoolers by Kathy Wells

Homeschoolers at Harvard? Colleges Seek Homeschoolers by Kathy Wells