“Cankered Roots” is an LDS mystery novel centered around genealogy. Alex Campbell is a widow. Her husband, Stewart, was killed three years ago in a terrorist attack, and if it hadn’t been for his distant relative, Brighamina Poulson, coming to her home in Scotland on a genealogical dig, Alex might still be living in darkness, trying to cope. Briggie, as Alex came to know her, didn’t believe in grieving, but in rejoicing. She introduced Alex to the gospel, taught her about Christ, and brought her back to the United States. Briggie gave Alex a new reason to live as together, they established RootSearch, a genealogy company.
Alex has been working on her own lines, and keeps getting stuck. Her parents have never spoken about her grandfather, and if she’s to proceed with her research, she needs to know more. She’s been estranged from her parents for some time, but she’s willing to endure some moments of awkwardness if it means getting the information she needs. What she doesn’t expect is to have a huge fight with her father over it, and then to get a call shortly thereafter, telling her that her father has been murdered.
With more skeletons in the closet than ever before, Alex uses all her detective skills to try and ferret out the truth. It doesn’t help that her mother is in an alcoholic stupor or that the police have men permanently staked out in the family home. But she’s not one to let things deter her. With help from Briggie, her friend Daniel, and Daniel’s father Richard, a good lawyer, she will find the truth.
This was an enjoyable mystery. I did find some of the genealogy a little confusing, but that didn’t keep me from appreciating the story.
(This book was published in 1994 by Deseret Book Company. It is currently out of print but will be reissued soon.)
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