Yesterday, I went to a non-LDS Moms playgroup. Yep, that was the name of it. It strikes me as very silly. But, then again, I live in Utah. I recently met a friend at a park a month or so ago. She had just moved here, our little boys are about the same age, and she and I hit it off. We exchanged phone numbers and have gotten together many times since. Our little boys are loving each other, and it’s great to have another friend. Period. She’s Jewish, I’m Mormon. Big deal.
But, to some people, it is a big deal. Or at least so I hear. Remember my post a long time ago about meeting another Mom who is muslim? We are still very good friends. We hang out all the time both with and without our kids. But, as I was at this little playgroup for non-LDS moms, I didn’t reveal that I was Mormon or wasn’t. I just talked about Mom stuff (because the way I ended up in the playgroup was kind of by accident). You know, how we can’t get our kids to sleep through the night, or obey, where our husbands work, etc.
Then, I met up again with one of the Moms from that group today. I had to “confess” that I was Mormon. I didn’t want things to get uncomfortable if she found out another way and thought I was being deceitful. She seemed a little uncomfortable at first (I’m sure she was confused as to why I had been there in the first place) but then, we moved on to different subjects.
However, she mentioned that she had been told that if she moved to Utah the mormons would be “mean” to her. They might not let their kids play with hers, etc. This made me sad. Mostly because she hasn’t even been here a week and she was already meeting up with a non-LDS playgroup. Why not give Mormons a chance too?
The truth is that the way we treat others affects them for a lifetime. If they had someone be snotty to them once that was mormon, they’ll remember it. Then, they will tell their friend later when she decides to move to UT to watch out for those snotty mormons. And, yes, perhaps there are many like that. But, there are many of us who just want friends regardless of where you come from or what your background is.
Sure, my life is leading to a joke along the lines of…A Mormon, A Muslim, and a Jewish Mom went to a playgroup…Not sure how it will end, but I hope it ends with a good group of friends. That’s all I care about.