Are you compulsive about how you tidy up your home? Does your baby make you crazy because the more mobile he or she becomes, the messier they get? It’s hard to keep a room straight and neat when baby is busy dismantling your bookshelves or dumping their toys out everywhere. One of my daughter’s favorite activities was to pull out all of the clothes out of the laundry basket and dragging them everywhere.
Clutter Teaches
As hard as it may seem to believe, clutter teaches our little ones. It teaches them about the different textures and the different objects. Consider for a moment that every baby is a Christopher Columbus or a Lewis or a Clark. Your home is their great unknown and the more they are able to explore it, the more you are encouraging their intellectual growth and development.
The reality is that cluttering up the house is a part of being a parent and being a baby. You have to accept that keeping your house spotless and clutter free is about your life before your baby is born. The clutter changes as your baby grows, but not always.
Take a Deep Breath
Don’t let your frustration and anxiety levels become overwhelming for you. In the first few weeks after your baby was born, you probably let the dishes sit in the sink longer, took longer to do the laundry and much, more. This is a symptom and it’s related to the same problem you will have when baby becomes more mobile.
Keep your house a safe one – don’t let them have access to breakable items or electrical ones. Check out some of our articles on baby proofing. Try to contain baby – either in a play area or play room where they can explore to their hearts content. Spend time with him or her and demonstrate how to make it neat. Contain yourself, don’t follow him or her around cleaning up every single thing they do, but make a game of picking up and let baby participate.
You’re going to have to cope with clutter for some time, so don’t make yourself crazy over it.
How is your Captain Clutter today?
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