This is the fifth part of a six part series that delves into capturing the complete personalities and uniqueness of the individuals who adorn our scrapbook pages. This article focuses on capturing each individual’s true personality without sugar coating it.
Please keep in mind that not only does this work on your children, but also on you, your significant other and friends and family members.
Let’s face it, we all have unique personalities. And in that aspect, sometimes personalities can clash, even within a close-knit family. Some people are even-tempered, happy go lucky people while others might be stubborn or bull-headed. These personality traits are extremely hidden on a normal scrapbook page, it takes us to make them known before someone might know about them.
It isn’t about making the person look bad, but if your son or daughter has a stubborn streak, write about it, don’t sugar coat it. If they have a quick temper, journal about it on a layout. Or maybe they are the peace maker of the family, we have one of those. Would anyone know that by looking at our scrapbooks? No. Take a deep look at the people around you, figure out their personalities and then journal about them.
There are dozens of personality traits to focus on, pick just a few or pick them all, and tell all about the individuals in your life.
Here are a few common personality traits you can use:
* Honest * Courteous * Reliable * Responsible * Loyal * Enthusiastic or Eager * Open-Minded * Judgmental * Encouraging or Motivating * Industrious * Careful or Cautious * Self-Reliant * Shy * Self-Centered * Compassionate * Dedicated * Competitive * Patient * Perfectionist * Courageous * Decisive or Indecisive * Driven * Persistent * Calm * Emotional * Serious * Practical * Imaginative * Perfectionist * Messy
Don’t limit yourself to these personality traits only, look beyond and delve into the trait and focus on positive and negative aspects.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
Articles in This Series:
Capturing Unique Talents and Abilities
Capturing Responses and Individual Reactions
Capturing a Little Personality
Capturing Quirky Habits and Mannerisms
Related Journaling Articles:
Journaling: Remembering the Little Things