One of the most important things that we can do for our health is to find acceptance with ourselves. By this I mean coming to a place where we accept who and what we are and move forward from that point. If we are focused too much on the image that we want to portray to the rest of the world, we will never be satisfied with the way we look or how our bodies perform. Similarly, if we give up because of the condition or physical shape that we are in, we cut ourselves off from improving our health, and being able to serve others, as we grow older.
First you need to recognize the state of health that you are in. This can be difficult at times. Some days it may be like you wake up and suddenly realize you aren’t the ninety pound high school student anymore. Realizing where you are allows yourself to be realistic in the goals that you set. Additionally realizing what age you are and what healthy expectations for that age will make a big difference in what goals you set.
Second you need to make sure that you are in a good place spiritually. You really need to accept the whole person, and not just focus on one aspect of your life. One of the best places to start is your relationship with Heavenly Father. As you develop this, you will begin to learn to love and care for yourself in a positive way. This can really help you to succeed.
Third you need to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. If you are fifty you will not have the same body as someone who is fifteen. Think of things that you want to be able to do such as play with your children or grandchildren, and then set up goals to get there. Realize that your entire outlook will change as your health improves.
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