Curbing Consumerism

Getting consumerism under control, that is purchasing and spending what is not needed, is the quickest way to save money and affect your budget in the positive. But, what is consumerism? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, consumerism is: 1: the promotion of the consumer’s interests 2: the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable; also : a preoccupation with and an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods. It is that last bit we are concerned about. Having a preoccupation toward buying a lot is never good, and it can lead to some serious financial repercussions. Our … Continue reading

Still Need Information

As you may know I have tried to reach out to my kids’ biological mother to get information from her regarding their births and their biological dads. She provides information about 2 of our 3 kids but has still not replied to the questions that I asked about my third child or more details about her 2nd child. In my last entry I mentioned how my son George was delivered by emergency C-section when the doctor could not find a fetal heartbeat. Then he was hospitalized in the NICU for an infection for 2 ½ weeks. She said nothing about … Continue reading

We Are So Different

If you read my last entry you would know that I found my kids biological mother on face book and attempted to see if she wanted to restart updates and pictures. If she did want it I wanted something from her. I want medical history forms for her and all three of the kid’s biological fathers. The kids deserve to have that information to be able to give to their doctors. I am still not sure if I should reestablish the updates with her. She has not shown she deserves it or even wants it but I try to look … Continue reading

How Many Times?

So I have a dilemma that I thought I would share. As I have shared previously when we were trying to get Rebecca’s biological mother to relinquish her parental rights so that we could adopt her we went to mediation. During the mediation we agreed to quarterly updates for all three kids as long as she kept her part of the agreement. She disappeared therefor it voided the mediation agreement. We tracked her down a while ago gave her another shot and she said she would like to get updates again. We agreed as long as she gave us something … Continue reading

A Kid Happy To Get Clothes

When I am remembering our first Christmas as a family one thing that Steve did sticks with me to this day, when he unwrapped his presents he put them to the side and did not think they were for him to play with. When Steve got some new clothes he was so excited he got up ran to the bathroom and tried each and every thing on. He was more excited about having new clothes that were his than he was about having new toys. When we watched this happened it occurred to us that he may not have ever … Continue reading


Ok, today’s entry may seem like a rant and if so I apologize at the beginning. When we started the adoption process 12 years ago I was told by a member of my husband’s immediate family that “you can never love an adopted child the same as you can a biological.” When this was said we did not have our kids yet but we were in the process. This particular person thought we were adopting so that we could have the first grandchildren yes she said it. I do not know where this person got their reasoning. We were the … Continue reading

I Do Not Need to Be Nominated

One of my new friends said that she wants to nominate me for “a good neighbor award”. Now I have done a few things that have been nice for others but the one thing she wants to nominate me for is the one thing that I do not think needs to be recognized publicly. When I asked her why I should be nominated for this she said that it was because of the wonderful things that I did when we adopted. Now as I have said on many occasions we did not do anything great by adopting. Reality is we … Continue reading

Kids Are Bonded

We just got the kids progress reports and all of their grades have dropped since my husband was in the hospital. When you look at the lower grades they all correspond to a date that he was hospitalized. The kids are definitely attached to him and I am positive they do not care if they are his biological kids or his adopted kids the only thing they care about is that their DAD is home. Right now while I am sitting here writing all 3 kids and my husband are sitting on the couches eating popcorn, watching movies and cuddling … Continue reading

I Won The Kids Lotto

I think we really lucked out when we adopted our kids they are truly great kids. I am sitting here stressing out about my husband being in the hospital and my 8 year old Rebecca sees that my eyes are red and she goes over to the bathroom and brings me some tissues because she thought I was going to cry. She came over and hugged me with the hug of more love than any one mother should be allowed to get. Now I know it is my job as a mom to protect my kids and should be the … Continue reading

Because You Are My Mom

When I decided to continue the conversation with my daughter about why I kissed her when I met her I turned it back on her. I asked her why she kisses me, shares her drinks with me etc. She said well that is because she loves me I asked her why she loves me and her answer was short and simple “because you’re my mom”. That was the best answer I had ever heard. I never really thought too much about what not sharing my things with the kids. I mean as soon as I met them I started sharing … Continue reading