Potential Medical Benefits and Risks of Male Circumcision

Now that we have talked about a general overview of the pros and cons of circumcision in male infants, let’s dig a little deeper and get into some of the actual medical benefits and risks of the procedure, a sort of doctor’s version of the pros and cons. We’ll talk a little more about things such as urinary tract infection and complications related to the procedure. If you read the previous post on this issue, you’ll see that I was very right about this being a controversial subject (you already knew it was). As I commented on that post, The … Continue reading

Baby’s First Check Up 4

Your baby’s first check up is an involved examination that allows your baby’s doctor to asses the overall health of your infant, as well as check for anything that is serious or might develop into something serious. In this series, I have been taking a look at everything that is involved in your baby’s first check up. Hips You may see your baby’s doctor take a hold of your baby’s hips and move them back and forth and around the hip joints. I always thought this looked rough and reminded me of getting a chicken ready to roast. But this … Continue reading

Baby’s First Check Up 3

What does your baby’s doctor need to examine for the first check up? We have been going through the different areas of that first examination and talking about your baby’s healthy body. Chest Your baby’s doctor will listen for a while to your baby’s chest. First of all, the doctor is checking the heart beat to make sure that there are no abnormal sounds or beats and that the rhythm of the heart is just right. Possible structural problems may be evident when listening to the heart. The lungs also get a good checkup, as your baby’s doctor makes sure … Continue reading

Baby’s First Check Up 2

Within 24 hours of birth, your baby will have his or her first official check up. This is an important examine that will let you know the health of your baby and if any intervention needs to be done while you are still in the hospital. Yesterday, I covered some of the areas that your baby’s doctor will cover. Now, let us continue. Nose and Mouth Your baby’s doctor will check the inside of your baby’s mouth. One thing that will be examined is whether or not the front of the tongue is attached too tightly to the floor of … Continue reading

Baby’s First Check Up

Your baby will get his or her first official check up within 24-hours of birth. Generally this takes place while you are still in the hospital (if you had a hospital birth). If you are up to it, you can ask to be present, and it will be interesting to learn all about your baby’s tiny body. What occurs at this check up and what is your baby’s doctor observing? General Health Your doctor will first assess your baby’s general health. Was your baby full term or pre-term? Does your baby have good muscle tone and can lay in the … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements and Your Young Child

Many parents swear by herbal supplements for their young children to do everything from shorten a cold to reduce symptoms of autism. But behind the hype are some important things you should know about herbal supplements, if you want to keep your little one safe. First parents need to understand that herbal supplements are not regulated very rigidly. In fact, the amount or concentration of an herb in a supplement can vary per dose. For the safer herbs, this may not matter much. But some herbs can prove dangerous. Always inform your pediatrician if you are trying herbal supplements for … Continue reading

When Should My Child Have His First Dental Visit?

Yesterday I spent the morning at the park with my youngest kids, another mom and her child. As I was trying to navigate pushing two swings on opposite sides of the swing set and avoid getting hit by all of the swings in the middle, my mom friend asked me a good question. “Do you think he is too young to see a dentist?” Her child was three-years old and hadn’t yet been to the dentist. There was an issue with his teeth that she was concerned about, but she wasn’t sure if he was too young to be seen … Continue reading

Probiotics and the Rotavirus

As we learned from tiggermom3 here at Families.com, the rotovirus can be a scary and dangerous virus, especially when it hits young children. My eldest child contracted it when he was less than three months old, and it was a trying time. Although he didn’t wind up in the hospital as so many babies do when they get dehydrated from the illness, it was still a hard thing for him and for us to go through. When the rotavirus vaccine was released, I was happy to have my next two children vaccinated. But vaccinations aren’t for everyone. Now, here is … Continue reading

Ask for Thigh Injections

No one likes to take their child for shots, but it is just something that has to be done. As a parent, you are the first advocate for your child, so it is important to be aware of any issues that might surface. Sometime around the second birthday, most pediatric offices will switch the injection site for immunizations from the thigh to the arm. This may be because they believe that the child is old enough for the more convenient way to administer any shots. But there is good reason to ask the office if shots can still be administered … Continue reading

Chelation and Autism

Most parents of young children with autism are constantly looking for answers, reasons and solutions for their child’s autism. A controversial treatment for autism is chelation therapy. Chelating agents are administered to children to remove any mercury in the blood, mercury that many parents believe is the cause or at least a contributing factor to autism. The thought is that removing the mercury from the child will improve the autistic symptoms. While there are no proven studies for this treatment, many parents seek it out anyway, figuring that it won’t hurt to try. But in fact, I believe that it … Continue reading