Nine Months Old Part II

Along with my daughter’s increased appetite and flourishing palate, she has, of course, correlating growth. Throughout the course of the summer I have watched my daughter’s clothes slowly become shorter and tighter. While my daughter can easily fit into nine month clothes (with extra space in fact), several of her three to six month outfits still fit. However, we are transitioning into fall and even if most of her summer clothes fit, they are not appropriate for cold weather (which we have had a lot of). Still, I have been able to salvage several pairs of pants (leggings really) and … Continue reading

Nine Months Old

Now that my daughter is nine months old, I am surprised and almost shocked at how much she has grown, changed, and learned in just nine short months! Upon further contemplation, it took only nine short months to grow my dear sweet daughter from microscopic cells to a viable baby. As my daughter rounded the nine month mark, she had mastered many mobile skills including speed crawling and stairs climbing. With her ever improving mobile skills, she is into anything and everything. She squeezes under things (like the kitchen cart/island and the bookshelves) and climbs into things (like boxes and … Continue reading

The Joys of Teething

My little guy’s first tooth is right below the surface. I thought he was teething nearly 2 months ago! So, if you are wondering if your baby is teething, it could be that the answer is yes, but it might take a month or two to actually see results. I can see the gums getting red and swollen. While we are definitely behind in the tooth department, it is not abnormal for my kids. Neither one of my other two had teeth until around 10 months old either. I am ready for him to get some teeth though so we … Continue reading

Solid Progress

Today my baby ate a quarter of an avocado. I was thrilled. Mainly because he needs some fattening up, but also because, I love avocados. And, they are super easy to travel with, too. I eat one pretty much every day, so it is also an easy food for me to share with him. With my second child, avocados were our go-to food. He had lots of tummy issues, and I worked hard at trying to find foods he could tolerate. At first, he HATED the avocado. But, I would try to give him a tiny amount every day, and … Continue reading

The Girls

My sister and I were really excited when we learned that we both were pregnant with baby girls! Our daughters are a mere three months apart. When my daughter was a newborn that three month difference seemed immense, but now that they are both equally mobile that gap has narrowed quite a bit. We love getting our girls together to for play dates as often as we can, which usually ends up being several times a week now that they live nearby (instead of ten hours away). Not only do my sister and I have a great time during our … Continue reading

What is Your 9 Month Old Up To?

On the surface, it may not look like your baby changes all that much from month to month, but in reality, they change incredibly. Often, the days fly by, and we see little milestones every day, so we don’t realize how in a month’s time how different they really are! From month 8 until now, the average person might not see that much of a difference in my little guy, but I see a lot. For example, he talks to us non-stop now. He is really communicating. He says bye bye deliberately. When he sees a dog, he is so … Continue reading

Climbing Part III

Once I realized that my daughter could scale the stairs, I started to take conscious precautions to prevent her from more stairs climbing. I know that she will inevitably tumble down the stairs at some point in her young life, but I would like to prevent that event(s) from happening as much as possible; thus the barricades. I know that gates can be handy and a better solution but wooden posts are constructed in such a way that attaching a gate to it is if not impossible horribly difficult and expensive. Instead, I found ways to “block” the staircase. First … Continue reading

Climbing Part II

Now that my daughter has started climbing, we have had some pretty interesting climbing situations. For the most part, her climbing is safe and provokes little cause for alarm. That changed when she started climbing the stairs. It began with her pulling herself up on the first step and calling after me when I would go up to do some chore. She did not attempt to climb the stairs at this point. Once she got the courage to climb the first two steps (and sit contently for several minutes while playing with something), she quickly gained the courage to go … Continue reading


Once again I am surprised and shocked that my eight month old daughter has acquired yet another mobile skill. Gone are the days of quiet and relative stillness. My daughter is rapidly learning to move and her newest stunt is climbing. It started out innocently enough. My daughter would climb into my lap if I was sitting on the floor. Soon she was climbing into the laps of just about anyone who was sitting on the same plane as her. She easily transitioned into climbing onto pillows and cushions that her brother would throw on the floor. She would climb … Continue reading

What Are Your Baby’s Favorites?

They say that every baby is born with a unique and distinct personality. After having 3 babies myself, I can definitely say that is true. One of the fun things about this stage that my baby is in is that we see more of his personality a little bit each day. I love it. Along with a personality comes a baby’s likes and dislikes, and believe it or not, babies even have “favorites” at this stage. Of course, as baby grows, his favorite things will grow and change too. But, sometimes, they will stay the same. What is your baby’s … Continue reading