Young Newton & Young Einstein – When Your Toddler Is In To Everything

Every parent dreams of the day when their toddler begins to walk and explore the world around them. But when their child turns into a young explorer bent on taking apart the world and investigating every nook and cranny, they could be ready to rip their hair out. If this describes you and your toddler, take heart – this exploratory nature is not only normal; it’s a desirable quality in a child. Curious Children, Wandering Hands, Terrible Toddlers It seems odd that curiosity could lead to terrible toddlerhood, but let’s be honest – when your toddler gets into everything it … Continue reading

Toddler Playdates & Picking Up Bad Social Habits

I remember when my daughter was just 20 months old and my nephew was visiting. He was just a little over 4, himself. But he was going through a phase of arguing about everything and when he didn’t get his way, he’d scream. Not twenty seconds after the first demonstration of this little talent – my daughter fell into step. We spent the next two months coping with a toddler who would scream when she didn’t get her way and it was far from a pleasant task. The simple thing is – when toddlers get together with other children, they … Continue reading