No More Baby Gear

Part of me is happy that if I have a third baby, I won’t need to buy much baby gear. And, most likely, my third will be my last. For almost 5 years now I’ve been storing boxes and boxes of clothes from both kids as they outgrow them. My garage has boxes in it full of infant toys, beds, and walkers “just in case” we have another one. Sometimes I feel like half my life is taken up by baby gear, clothes, and other accessories. Getting rid of that baby gear will be a fun occasion although it will … Continue reading

Bonding Moment with a New Baby

I hate to say this, but I was not excited about my second pregnancy. My first baby was only seven months old when I took the pregnancy test, and I was not prepared for another baby at home. I mentally ignored the fact that I was pregnant as my belly grew. It was a completely different experience than my first pregnancy, which my husband and I had planned for five or six months. My water broke at six am, and we headed to the hospital. I remember I was reading Eat, Pray, Love through the beginning of the labor. The … Continue reading

How to Know When You Should Have Another Baby

Once you have a child, it can be so hard to know if you should have another one. You are often afraid you won’t love the second as much as the first. But, then you have number two, and realize that your love is not divided. It just grows. But, when you are ready to have number 3, maybe the more likely question is, “Can I handle it?” Three seems like a crowd. Seriously. I have two kids. A boy and a girl. In some ways, it takes the pressure off of having a third. I got one of each, … Continue reading

Dads & Moms, Did You Know ….

Good morning Moms and Dads! Happy Sunday morning! Welcome to a day of rest and a day of family and for some of you a day of God and Church and more. Let’s play a game of did you know …. Did you know that …. Breast milk can do a great deal for treating your sick baby. You know that the colostrums in breast milk is good for helping your baby’s immune system, but did you know that you can actually use it to treat it a stuffy nose or a mild eye infection? Talk to your pediatrician first, … Continue reading

What’s a Bad Daycare Center?

This is an easy question for most of us to answer, but here are some specific criteria that will warn you of a bad daycare center whether you are checking the center or you have your infant or toddler already enrolled. It’s very possible for a good daycare center to go downhill, so it’s important to maintain your standards of checking it out on a regular basis. If you notice any of the following or any of it is mentioned to you – look deeper. Dirty Facility The facilities that were once clean are not so much anymore. It may … Continue reading

Daycare Shopping: What Defines Good

When you are looking for a daycare to take your son or daughter to, it can be a very difficult decision. It’s even more difficult when you are looking for a good facility for your infant or toddler. After all, a daycare center is hardly a substitute for your tender loving care. But needs must and for some of us, daycare becomes an option we have to explore. So, when you are start looking for a daycare center, you want to talk to more than the staff – you want to talk to other parents. You want to talk to … Continue reading