Mabel’s Labels: Labeling to Prevent Loss

Have you heard of Mabel’s Labels? If you haven’t please take seat, if you have I can feel the love through my screen right now. One of my favorite products is Mabel’s Labels. Mabel’s Labels is a line of sticky labels, bag tags, bin labels, organizational labels and more! These sticky labels can help you keep your children’s items instead of losing them all over town. You can get labels for sippy cups, bottles, shoes, clothing, or anything your child carries or rather lays down and forgets. No need to worry, nothing is coming in between this label and your … Continue reading

Bonding Moment with a New Baby

I hate to say this, but I was not excited about my second pregnancy. My first baby was only seven months old when I took the pregnancy test, and I was not prepared for another baby at home. I mentally ignored the fact that I was pregnant as my belly grew. It was a completely different experience than my first pregnancy, which my husband and I had planned for five or six months. My water broke at six am, and we headed to the hospital. I remember I was reading Eat, Pray, Love through the beginning of the labor. The … Continue reading

What to Name the Baby?

I never found the process of naming a baby pleasant. Before I was pregnant I could think of a hundred names I loved for a boy and a girl. Once I was pregnant it was like I lost all direction. I could not think of one name that I liked but only names I hated or reminded me of the snotty nosed kid in elementary school that sat behind me. To make matters worse, when I finally came up with a name I could tolerate it would remind my husband of the snotty nosed kid who sat behind him in … Continue reading

Dandelion Organic Dolls for Toddlers

My head spins when I read recall lists on toys. The threat of lead poisoning or other chemicals which could cause harm makes me second guess the toys in my child’s toy box. It also makes me hesitate to buy from the local toy store. I hate the thought of my two year old putting a toy in her mouth that may be filled with lead or other harmful chemicals. Believe me; she still puts everything in her mouth, including her sister’s Barbie dolls. When offered the opportunity to review an organic doll from Dandelion, I knew that was right … Continue reading

A Simple Bath Solution

One of the most stressful times for a new parent can be giving your baby that first bath. You worry about how to hold them, what kind of tub to buy, and what will work best. You feel so awkward at first. My husband and I bathed our newborn for the first time in the kitchen sink. We felt like we had no clue what we were doing, and that it definitely took two of us to give her that first bath at home. Eventually, you get the hang of it. Now, I bathe two kids at the same time … Continue reading

Naming My Babies

For me, one of the most difficult parts of becoming a mother, whether the first time, or subsequent times is the naming part. Does anyone else have this problem? I come with a very long last name. It is a mouthful, frankly. I married into it. So, I wanted to make sure my kids’ names sounded good with our last name. But, naming is so much more than that isn’t? It seems that some couples have no problem knowing what they are going to name their child. They name them while they are in the womb and refer to that … Continue reading

Sunshine Kids Car Seats

I am kind of a car seat crazy person. I want my kids to be safe. You hear stories all the time about seats not being installed correctly, or about an accident that could have been avoided if only the child had been strapped in correctly to a car seat. So, when I had my first baby, I made sure to do my research. I found an acceptable infant car seat, but when it was time to move her up to a bigger one, I wanted one that was going to last, and one that was strong, and durable. I … Continue reading

How to Know When You Should Have Another Baby

Once you have a child, it can be so hard to know if you should have another one. You are often afraid you won’t love the second as much as the first. But, then you have number two, and realize that your love is not divided. It just grows. But, when you are ready to have number 3, maybe the more likely question is, “Can I handle it?” Three seems like a crowd. Seriously. I have two kids. A boy and a girl. In some ways, it takes the pressure off of having a third. I got one of each, … Continue reading

Toys That Startle

If a toy moves, it’s an instant hit with my son. If it makes noise, however, he has to warm up to it. If it does both, well, there’s no telling how he’ll react. This year he got a tricycle and he loved it immediately. Right away, he wanted to get on it and ride it around the living room. We were smart to give it to him last or he wouldn’t have been interested in the rest of his gifts. He also got a Cozy Coupe and it was the same story; he played with it right away and … Continue reading

Christmas Is More Fun With Kids

Christmas is hilarious with a toddler in tow. It’s fun to watch them figure out what’s going on, and once they catch on to the whole concept of presents, they can’t contain their excitement. We have been laughing at our son’s confusion about gifts. He seems to think that everything under the tree is fair game. Last night he opened up his uncle’s girlfriend’s present when we weren’t looking and she wasn’t even there. It’s also funny how he handles the presents he receives. Once he opens up his toys, he tries to play with them all at once. Last … Continue reading