$600,000 Worth Of Minion Beanie Babies Sent to LAUSD

What would you do if your kids came home from school with Beanie Babies that were themed after the Despicable Me franchise? Several parents may be wondering who sent nearly 75,000 of them to the Los Angeles Unified School District, Insider reported. The donation came from a nonprofit that typically serves homeless shelters and food banks. According to Insider, the mysterious arrival of the stuffed animals was three years in the making, beginning when 11 semi-trucks-worth of the toys arrived at a warehouse for the nonprofit, Shelter Partnership. Over that time, the donor’s identity has remained a secret. And the … Continue reading

UPPABaby Recalls All Terrain Ridge Stroller

UPPAbaby has placed an voluntary recall for its all-terrain ridge jogging strollers that were manufactured between July 2021 and August 2022.  It is important that parents who have purchased – and used – this stroller to be advised of the danger it can cause. “Our top priority at UPPAbaby is the safety of children. We conduct extensive testing to ensure UPPAbaby products meet all global industry and regulatory standards. Despite passing all tests and meeting all standards, UPPAbaby received one report about the all-terrain RIDGE stroller. “We take all product inquiries very seriously. Based on one consumer report to us, … Continue reading

Boppy Newborn Loungers Have Been Recalled

Boppy is a well known brand that sells a variety of products, including baby carriers, nursing pillows, and Boppy Loungers. Boppy announced that a safety recall alert has been placed on their Newborn Loungers. This is important for parents of newborns to know about. Here is the information Boppy provided: In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, The Boppy Company is conducting a voluntary recall of its Newborn Lounger to address a risk of infant suffocation. Infants can suffocate if they roll, move, or are placed on the lounger in a position that obstructs breathing, or roll off … Continue reading

Help for Families in the “Diaper Gap”

Families with newborns quickly learn that diapers are expensive. Many families struggle to be able to afford enough diapers for their babies. This leads to difficult choices like whether to spend money on food, diapers, or utility bills. The Obama administration has a plan that utilizes technology to help solve this problem. Nearly one in three Americans cannot afford to purchase enough diapers for their babies. In some cases, parents cope by stretching the length of time between diaper changes. This can lead to serious health problems for babies and parents. Babies can end up with urinary tract or staph … Continue reading

Good Reasons to Use Cloth Diapers

There was a time when the only option mothers had was to use cloth diapers. Today, parents can pickup packages of plastic, disposable, diapers from any grocery store. Not all parents are doing that, however. It appears that cloth diapers are making a comeback. There are plenty of good reasons to use cloth diapers. According to Vogue, cloth diapers are becoming trendy, especially for parents who are part of the Millennial generation. Scientific American says that climate change is the issue of the Millennial generation. Cloth diapers are much better for the planet than disposable diapers are. According to the … Continue reading

Ways to Prevent Your Baby Monitor from Being Hacked

We are entering the very beginning of “the internet of things”. The simplest explanation of what that means is that there are now several appliances and electronics that are constantly connected to the internet through Wi-Fi. The purpose is to make life more convenient. Unfortunately, sometimes this interconnectedness can cause security issues. A family discovered this in a very unpleasant way when their nanny noticed that someone had hacked their baby monitor. A stranger was able to talk to, and see, the room the baby was in, the baby, and the nanny who was caring for the infant. How did … Continue reading

Locked Out Part II

Back to the front door I tried to shake and wiggle it unlocked. No luck.  I tried to slip a hand saw from the garage between the screen and door frame. No luck.  I tried to push in the screen in order to squeeze my hand in to unlock the lock. No luck.  I called my husband to tell him that we were locked out and that he would have to break the door to get us in and he was in the midst of helping a coworker with a flat tire. He headed home.  I was freezing but the … Continue reading

Snow Day Part III

In the midst of my phone conversation with my husband, our son noticed that his aunt (my sister), who lives next door in the other side of the duplex, was outside shoveling the driveway.  Since her work was canceled because of the snow too, I invited her to spend the day with us. While I started making the coffee ice cream base, my sister entertained my three year old and one year old by reading books and singing songs with them. So far they were really enjoying the snow day. Soon enough my husband arrived at home with a work … Continue reading

Shoes for My Daughter Part VI

Once we I got my daughter home, I put her into the black patent leather shoes to help her get used to them.  She threw another fit refusing to stand up and stubbornly remained in a squatting position. When I did not take them off of her right away, she sat down after a few minutes of squatting and ripped them off of her feet herself.  I put the shoes  back on her feet and examined how the fit her.  The shoes seemed more than a little big (but it seems shoes are supposed to be a half a size … Continue reading

Shoes for My Daughter Part V

Now that I had finally found some shoes that might be acceptable, my daughter still needed to try them on and get her feet sized by the certified fit specialist  When my daughter was getting her feet sized, the first thing the saleswoman/certified fit specialist said to me was that my daughter had wide feet.  I was shocked because her feet always seemed long and narrow to me … but who was I to argue with the certified fit specialist.  I has sized my daughter’s feet at a four and a half but tended to go with a five to … Continue reading