Toddlers and Easter Egg Hunts

I felt I would be remiss if I didn’t do an Easter post for Easter morning. I tried to come up with something deep and thought provoking that is worthy of what I consider to be the high Holy day of the Christian calendar. Instead, what I thought about was how my kids would miss the annual Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Papa’s this year. Our daughters will be in a dance at church this morning and the Easter Egg hunt will be long done before we even got there–if we were going. It might seem like this is … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Solve Our Sleeping Issues

Question: I have this problem with my one year old every night. I end up putting him in his crib and letting him cry for 5 to 10 minutes. After this I go in the room like I am the savior and pick him up. He has worn himself out so much from crying that he lays down on my chest and goes to sleep. There has to be a better way. Then his bed time is 10. I need to figure out a way to get him to become tired earlier and to help him go to sleep easier. … Continue reading

Babies and Fighting Sleep

You see the eye lids drooping. The tell tale signs of fatigue are creeping over her body: clumsiness, rubbing her eyes and nose, yawning. . . And yet, if you were to actually put her down or do any of the things you normally do to get your baby to sleep–she fights it. It’s as if her brain has turned a switch that says, “Must. . .stay. . .awake. . .” What is a parent to do? There is no one reason why babies fight sleep and every family, every baby and every parent is different. However, when I have … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Breastfeeding and Boundaries

Question: Is it appropriate to tell my toddler to stop nursing? She’s 13 months and wants to nurse all the time but I don’t want her to. I don’t want to stop nursing entirely either. Suggestions? Nursing All the Time My first question would be to ask why she wants to nurse all the time. At 13 months it’s possible that she’s getting new teeth in which case, if it were me, I’d be inclined to just nurse her as much as is reasonable. However, if she feels like she’s not getting enough food–her natural response is going to be … Continue reading

The Magic of Music

Do you sing to your baby? What actually got me started thinking about this topic was our potty time ritual. My husband says it’s truly laughable–but I don’t care; it works. To help encourage the girls to stay on the potty a decent amount of time when they’re trying to go we run through various renditions of their favorite songs: Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Most of you know that I have twins, and so generally I spend 30 minutes at a time singing the nursery favorites. It occurred to me yesterday (as … Continue reading

Matching Outfits Are Sooooo Over Rated

I know there are many parents out there that feel strongly that their kids are to match when they go out. They are to have matching shoes, hair pieces if appropriate. . .I even know one girl who frequently has matching jewelry. (And yes, this is still the baby blog–the girl is only 3!) Maybe I have just birthed particularly strong willed girls or maybe I’m just a slob. But I could care less if my kids match. Okay–if we’re taking pictures or attending something important–I care. But on a day to day basis, to go to the park, meet … Continue reading

Do You Judge Other Moms?

We’ve all done it. We’re out in public and someone else’s wild child is pitching a fit. He wants a candy bar, mom says no and he tantrums. So she gives him the candy bar or buys him the toy. We may not say anything but in my mind I’m always thinking, “See, she shouldn’t give in and that’s why he’s throwing a fit. He knows it works.” While I personally wouldn’t vocalize my opinions about someone else’s kids’ behavior, many are all to willing to give their opinions–especially the older set. This happened to me recently which is why … Continue reading

Hospital Crosses Line

Note: When I originally wrote this article, there were no statements available except from the mother and father and those that represent them. I looked up several articles to do this blog. The hospital and the police department have now added statements to the story in backing their position. I obviously am concerned about the health and safety of babies. As a result of ‘new’ information, I have changed this blog and am adding a follow up blog on our own story of hospital staff bullies. Look for it soon! I’ve written an incendiary title and I know it. This … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: How Young Is Too Young for Discipline?

The question: My husband feels that we can begin disciplining our 1 year old child by giving him time outs and spanking him. I think he’s too young. What is your opinion on how young a child can be disciplined? I don’t think there is a magical age at which a child can be disciplined in terms of time outs or other tools that you may use. I think it depends on the child, the infraction and what exactly ‘discipline’ means in your household. I also want to point out that there is a big difference developmentally between a 13 … Continue reading

Baby Blogger Update

Good afternoon, I wanted to be the first to give you a heads up that my tenure as a full time baby blogger is coming to an end. I’ll be working in a supportive capacity over the month of February and retiring from baby by the first of March. I have been writing for the Baby blog since January of last year, mostly as a guest blogger; but I took over as a full time Baby Blogger last summer. My Tenure I’ve enjoyed my tenure here and I’ve loved exploring the world of the newborn, the infant and the toddler … Continue reading