Funny Baby Quotes – Happy Friday

I love Fridays again. Having a kid in school makes me appreciate Fridays in a way that I haven’t in years. First and foremost, I don’t have to get her anywhere early in the morning. So in honor of the happy Friday feeling – here are some great and humorous quotes on the condition of being a mother with a baby and babies in general. If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? – Milton Berle The phrase working mother is redundant – Jane Sellman Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two … Continue reading

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I love getting humorous emails – especially those that offer jokes, insights or other amusements that don’t require a lot of thoughts. The one benefit of the Internet is that you get so many of these dopey emails with their one-liners and more. So what does that have to do with babies? Well, first thing this morning – I woke up to this little gem in my email box and I wanted to share it, because when it comes to speaking parentese – we’re all still learning the terms. FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when a baby doesn’t appreciate the mashed … Continue reading

What’s the Magic Word? NOW!

When that line first came up in the Addams Family movie, I remember laughing hysterically. Wednesday asked for something and Gomez said and what do we say? And she said “NOW” as opposed to the please. The use of the word ‘please’ is something we drill into our children. It’s how we teach them to make pleasant requests as opposed to demands. Demanding Natures All babies are born demanding. They have no other way to be. If they are hungry, they demand to be fed. If they are tired, they demand to be comforted and put down for sleep. If … Continue reading

The 7 Baby B’s of Attachment Parenting

New parents frequently approach attachment style parenting as a list of rules. Nurse on demand. Co-sleep with your infants. Don’t let them cry. Carry them in a sling. While there is definitely a list of parenting behaviors that can be categorized as “attachment style”, attachment parenting is anything but a set of rules. Each individual family must decide how best to meet their infant’s needs given their circumstances. But for those who are looking for a place to begin, a set of guidelines to start exploring in taking care of your infant, here is a list of Baby B’s, as … Continue reading

5 Cultural Myths About Starting Solids

Believe it or not, much of what we do as parents, is culturally dictated. If we lived in another part of the world, we may not use diapers or cribs. We may walk around with our babies strapped to our backs or even breastfeed not only our own children, but our neighbor’s as well. So it is also with starting solid foods. When the twins were ready to start solids, it pained me to feed them jarred food. It’s different when you’re feeding one baby (or at least it was for me) but with two, I just watched the money … Continue reading

Babies Aren’t Lepers

Babies aren’t lepers, yet they may as well be for how some people treat babies and mothers with their babies. Babies are loud, sticky and irate and they are not remotely shy about letting the world know their feelings. For most parents, we recognize that this is absolutely normal behavior for babies and small children. So What is the Problem? Unfortunately, not everyone is going to see your baby that way. In fact, in some restaurants you will not only get stared at, but some managers will even invite what they refer to as disruptive customers to leave if their … Continue reading

Is Your Baby Picture Perfect?

We were recently at the mall where we were stalked by a “modeling and talent scout.” They started out by asking how old our kids are. We always get stopped by people wanting to ask questions about the twins and we usually oblige so we politely answered. That was our first big mistake and we knew it immediately upon answering. Modeling and talent scouts prey on parents (or other would be starlets) who are convinced that this may be their long lost ticket to stardom. The price? A mere $1500 or more for head shots and what is called a … Continue reading

No Junk Food for Baby

Okay, I admit it. I’m guilty – I used to indulge my toddler’s French fry fetish. That’s right, when my baby was a toddler – she loved potatoes. She loved them in any format she could get them. But what she really loved were French fries. Part of her French fry adoration came from loving the fact that she could feed herself. She liked nibbling fries whether I baked them in the oven, got them in a restaurant, made them homemade at the house or (yes, I did this too) grab them at the drive thru McDonald’s. Junk Food is … Continue reading

Our Lives in Pictures

The entirety of my kitchen, half of my daughter’s room and all over my office, on my computer screen, in my husband’s screen saver and more are all family pictures, particularly focusing on our daughter. We have pictures of most of the major moments in her life, including holidays and more. We capture these moments in our life and in our child’s life in pictures. We can look back at them and see their first hour after their birth. We can see their first ride in the car when we took them home. We can see their first Christmas. We … Continue reading

The 5 Best Baby Sounds

Keeping it light today, the following are my favorite sounds that babies make. I keep watching my nephew who just turned 10 months old and who is so determined to walk. It won’t be long before he leaves babyhood behind and embraces being a toddler fully. It brings back memories of when my midget was that little and I miss those days. So without further ado: Baby snores – the little sounds of their whiffed breathing when they are asleep. When my daughter was very tiny, she had laryngeal malasia and she used to make little whistling noises when she … Continue reading