Staying Home Sick

What started off in my daughter as a slight sniffly nose quickly turned into a full-fledged flu. I initially blamed the clear snot on teething, but it became obvious that it was more than that. The stream got thicker, her eyes became watery, her breathing rattled, and she was extremely cranky. Each time she woke up from a nap, she spit up a huge amount of what looked like snot. Deciding it probably wasn’t good for her to have it draining down her throat all night, I decided to sleep with her on the recliner in our living room. It … Continue reading

Dicing Up Dinner

Meal preparation can be tricky with a baby. My baby takes up a lot of my mental capacity. Some days, the last thing I want to do is think about what to make for lunch or supper, especially when I want my meals to be healthy. My baby makes grocery shopping more complicated. If she’s in a good mood, it can be a fun experience. I get to get out of the house, and my baby gets to see and hear interesting new things. However, if my baby is fussy, it’s a whole different story. Even after I decide what … Continue reading

I’ll Do It Tomorrow

I went outside this morning for the first time this week. You might think that going three days without ever leaving the apartment is crazy, but there have been weeks this winter when we haven’t ventured out. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and if I wasn’t able to look at the temperature or see the snow, I’d think it was spring. The sky is blue, there’s a breeze rustling through the trees, and I can hear the mellow clanging of our neighbors’ wind chimes. Sure, I could bundle my baby up and take her for a walk in the stroller. … Continue reading

Swimsuit Shopping: Not for the Faint of Heart

We’ve probably all heard it before. We probably didn’t give it much thought until it actually happened to us. We probably all look back and think, “I didn’t know how good I had it until it was gone.” I’m talking about pre-pregnancy boobs. Sure, some of us who were smaller-chested before pregnancy probably loved the increase in size that came with being pregnant. I was your average C-cup before being pregnant, and I enjoyed the newly acquired curves. During the first few months of my baby’s life, I was too busy with my baby to pay attention to what was … Continue reading

But It’s My Birthday!

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear me! Happy birthday to me! Yep, you guessed it: It’s my birthday. Another year gone, another year older. Birthdays used to be so exciting. I remember looking at the calendar in anticipation when I was younger, counting down the days until I got to eat cake and open presents. It was nearly impossible to go to sleep the night before. I’d wake up early, go into my parents’ bedroom, and the entire family would gather around for gift opening. I would be freed of my morning duty of making … Continue reading

Put Those Grounds To Good Use!

Has your relationship with coffee changed since becoming a mother? Mine sure has. I grew up in Seattle, and inevitably have had a lifelong love affair with Starbucks. I couldn’t imagine anything more refreshing on a warm summer afternoon then an Iced Vanilla Latte. Nothing warmed me up better during rainy fall afternoons than a Pumpkin Spice Latte. After I got married and the reality of paying bills set in, paying $3-$5 for a cup of coffee was no longer a reality. I soon began brewing my own Starbucks coffee at home. The love affair continued. Then, I got pregnant, … Continue reading

Multitasking: Good For House, Good For Baby

My daughter has an insatiable curiosity these days. She wants to know what everyone is saying, doing, eating, and holding. She wants to touch and taste anything and everything she can get her drool-covered hands on. Gone are the days when I would hold her on my lap and expect whatever food or drink was in my hand to remain untouched. These days I constantly have to be on a guard. I’ve always made a point to talk to her and explain everything I am doing, such as “Now Mommy is pouring the hot water into the mug for her … Continue reading

New Mommy Must-Haves

When I try to think back on the first month of my daughter’s life, everything is a little hazy. It seems like all I did was hold her, feed her, change her diaper, and sleep. She was a relatively easy baby and slept pretty well from the get-go, but I still felt like I was in some sort of survival mode. Not only did I have a new baby to take care of, but also my poor body took a while to recover from a tough 30-hour labor. I don’t know how I would have made it through the first … Continue reading

Baby-Friendly Nail Polish

Fashion has gone a bit by the wayside since my daughter was born. My former beauty routine is becoming a distant memory. Put on a full face of makeup? I’m lucky if my face is washed before going out of the house. Curl my hair? It’s a rare morning that it’s even blow-dried. Whiten my teeth? Let’s be realistic; my daily goal is to brush my teeth before lunchtime. And yet, some days I miraculously find the time to look almost normal. I look in the mirror and realize I somewhat resemble my pre-baby self. It’s on these days that … Continue reading

What to Do With A Baby On A Wet, Cold Day

It’s definitely looking like November out there to me. Those of us who live in northern climates are descending into the depths of damp, cold winter. Here it’s more damp than cold, but it looks like night out there and it’s only quarter to two. We went out for a walk this morning, but we’re playing indoors this afternoon. If it’s your first year with a new baby, what can you do to keep life interesting when you’re stuck indoors? Do crafts. Yes, I know that your baby is really small. However, she’s still learning from whatever is around her. … Continue reading