Really, Tyra?

I was watching “The Tyra Banks Show” a couple days ago, and the conversation that went on really irked me. The guests of the show were parents who entered their children in beauty pageants, and Tyra was clearly not a supporter of such activity. She kept asking the parents questions like, “Does your child want to be in the pageant, or do YOU want your child to be in the pageant?” She was very much against the idea of a parent making her child do something the child didn’t want to do. I got the impression that to her, being … Continue reading

Celebrity Births

I love hearing labor and delivery stories. Whether I’m talking to friends, relatives, or watching TLC’s “A Baby Story,” I can’t get enough of the different experiences women have. Some go all natural, some get an epidural the second they arrive at the hospital, and many fall in between. Some births are scheduled C-sections, some are induced, and some begin all on their own. Many women give birth in the hospital, while others opt to give birth at a birthing center, or even at home. I often find myself wondering, “What type of labors and deliveries do celebrities have?” There … Continue reading

Our “Jon & Kate” Moments

With all of the controversy surrounding TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus Eight, I started thinking about what life might be like if we were on a reality show and cameras were catching our every move. Would I be like precise no-nonsense Kate Gosselin or like nurturing Aunt Jodi? And what kind of awkward moments would be captured for all of the world to see that would have people wondering about the parenting style we use with our little ones or actively criticizing our lives. The hairdo A lot has been said about Kate’s wacky hair do that she calls her … Continue reading

My Favorite Baby Books: In My House

Exposing a baby to books and reading will set her on a wonderful path in life. Even the youngest babies enjoy being read. They love to hear mom, dad or a special caregiver’s voice, and babies do pick up a lot from being read to, from the cadence and sounds of language to actual vocabulary. Reading to your baby is also is a great way to enjoy some close bonding time. Goodnight Moon is a great book, but there are others out there that while not as well know are still little gems. With that said, I’ll be posting about … Continue reading

Creepy Baby Book: Love You Forever

Can reading to your child really make a difference? The experts think so, and I am inclined to agree with them. However, some of the books that are often recommended for babies, seem to me, pretty scary. Either these books send the wrong message in my opinion or they are creepy. Have you come across any books like this? One book that I have thought was creepy from the moment I saw it is Love You Forever by Robert N Munsch. Many people absolutely love this book and say it touches the heart and can make you cry. I must … Continue reading

Valorie’s Read Aloud Picks for May

Welcome to a new feature of the baby blog and one that’s dear to my heart. Reading out loud to your baby is one of the best activities you can engage in. Sometimes parents ask me how early should you start reading and my answer is as soon as you possibly can! The sing-song pattern of simple rhyming books help babies learn language patterns. Board books that have textures engage their senses, and even the simple act of handling a book and learning which way is right side up, believe it or not, is an important reading skill. Read while … Continue reading

But Baby Einstein Is Interactive. . .

Disney is not pleased with the gurus at the University of Washington and they’re making it known. It probably would’ve been much better if the boys at U of W would’ve done their study when Baby Einstein was still owned by a mom and filmed in her basement. But Disney has the big bucks to fight back and they are. So not only have Disney lawyers written a scathing letter to the University demanding a retraction of their statement (I’m thinking the one about babies being more intellectually stimulated by watching American Idol, ruffled some feathers) but they’ve also launched … Continue reading

An MP3 Player for Your Baby

Mais oui–c’est vrai! Leave it to the French to come up with an MP3 player that’s advertised for the 0-5 set. Yes, that’s 0 as in the baby just entered the world. Is it me or does it seem odd that you can give birth and then receive an MP3 player for your little tyke in the hospital? Your precious baby could be listening to his very own tunes, on his very own MP3 player named P’tit Bidou (the blue one) or P’tit Zazine (the pink one). I am a little surprised that a company that has the foresight to … Continue reading

Boob Tube Babies

When I was in college, the internet was just starting to gain speed. One of my professors encouraged us all to get e-mail as it would “change the way we communicate.” All of my toys were wooden or ‘classic’ and I don’t think I had a single electronic anything when I was little. I’m only 32 and while my kids think I’m ‘old’, really, it goes to show how rapidly the information age has changed our culture. I was also only allowed no more than 30 minutes of television time when I was young. Any additional time had to be … Continue reading