Parenting Multiples: The Strain of Always Having to Share

My twins are almost three and now that I’m out of the fog of sleep deprivation and constant feedings, diaper changes, and other baby care duties–I have to say that having twins is a blast. Someone asked me recently if there was anything remarkable about the way they developed verses how singletons develop and what was the hardest part of parenting multiples. No doubt, had you asked me one year ago I would’ve answered that sleep deprivation was the hardest part of parenting multiples. By 5 or 6 months, all of my children woke once in the middle of the … Continue reading

How Attachment Parenting Ideals Change with Twins

I was recently with a group of moms and one of them asked me this question: How can you possibly live up to the attachment parenting ideals with twins? I think it’s a valid question, but it requires a paradigm shift in what we think attachment parenting actually is. What is Attachment Parenting? There are already some good articles on this site about attachment parenting and what it encompasses. I think the problem in envisioning how someone might parent twins this way is that we’ve tended to narrow the AP style down to certain behaviors (like slinging, breastfeeding and co-sleeping … Continue reading

Gift Giving for Twins at Christmas

I realize that most of my readers don’t have twins or multiples. But since I do, I feel compelled every once in awhile to write something specifically geared towards those families! Christmas time, at least for us, has presented a unique set of challenges for the twins. Our girls’ were six months old for their first Christmas–hardly at an age where gift giving really mattered. If people had given the wrapped empty boxes they would’ve been equally happy. In fact, based on my experience with five children, I would venture to say that if your child is younger than about … Continue reading

Why I Wouldn’t Wish Twins on Anyone

Don’t get me wrong. . .I love my twins. I am definitely one of those people who considers it a double blessing to have twins. In fact, it kind of rubs me the wrong way when I hear someone say, “Uh oh, double trouble.” So it’s not that I’m saying that it’s horrible to have twins. However, it seems to me that there’s this trend towards wanting them. They are the coolest accessory around. I’m constantly running in to people that gush over my good fortune. As reproductive technology advances and becomes more feasible, I hear more and more people … Continue reading

Have Mercy on the Twin Moms!!!

If you’ve ever done this or are guilty of doing it I will state up front that I forgive you. While I realize not all MOMs (mothers of multiples) are like me, I belong to a few forums for twin mommies and I have to tell you that the majority of us. . .well, we are. Especially those of us who are watching twins and other children at the same time. As shocking as it may seem, we don’t love all the attention that comes with taking the twins out in public. In fact, when moms of multiples see each … Continue reading

Which One is the Aggressive One?

Or insert any other adjective instead of aggressive. Which one is the shy, mean, nice, one? As a mother of twins I hate this question. It necessarily confines me to label one or the other. Equally annoying however, is the tendency to assume that if one is one way, the other must be the opposite. For example, the girls were recently watched and someone asked which one was the aggressive one? That would be Emily. Hands down–Emily is aggressive. She likes to play physically and is most happy being tossed through the air or wrestled to the ground. She instigates … Continue reading

How Twins Form Their Own Identity

If you’re looking for a scientific explanation for how twins form their own identities, I don’t have one for you. This is only my own thoughts as my twins grow up and become more and more distinctive every day. This blog was prompted by the comment of a very sweet but elderly lady who noted that the girls were dressed too much alike. “Sure they look cute. But they’ll never form their own identities that way,” she admonished. Their Own Identity I used to assert with authority that I wanted my twins to form their own identities. It sounds good. … Continue reading

Taming the Green Monster in Twins

I have recently come to the realization that my former “tried and true” techniques for taming jealousy in my other children have come to fall significantly short. There has always been the expectation that the oldest child is required to be slightly more gracious to a younger sibling simply because they are older and are capable of understanding more complex directions. However, Emily’s seventeen minutes of seniority over her sister have no effect on her ability to understand more complex directions. So, I am left with twin girls who will willingly trample each other to get to the object of … Continue reading

Multiples in the Night

Like most aspects of parenting multiples, night time parenting more than one can be an exercise in futility when you’re trying to get some much needed sleep. Furthermore, multiples are frequently born pre-term and may need a significant amount of care around the clock. Here are a few strategies that we’ve used to survive the first twelve months of our twins’ lives and cope with the sleep deprivation: Scheduling If you’re bottle feeding, scheduling is a lot easier to do. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s a little trickier but it is worth the effort. You will be up a lot less … Continue reading