Alicia Silverstone Wrote a Controversial Parenting Book

Babies (and children) do not come with an instruction manual. Sometimes, parents wish their children did come with one that would provide inspiration and the answers that parents need. This is likely why so many parents seek out books on parenting. As such, there are plenty of them to choose from. Alicia Silverstone (the actress from the movie “Clueless”) has written a parenting book that many people consider to be controversial. The book is titled “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful, Beginning”. It was published on … Continue reading

Baby Advice Can Become Outdated

New parents are often overwhelmed with pieces of baby advice. Sometimes, the advice comes from family members who really do mean well by giving you a piece of baby advice that they used on their children. Other times, some random person at the grocery store feels the need to toss unwanted baby advice at you. It can become difficult to tell the good advice from the bad. One way to sort things out is to see if the advice you were given is in this list of outdated baby advice. All of the baby advice in this list started out … Continue reading

Five-Month-Old Suffers Serious Sunburn

As my family prepares to fly to the southwestern part of the United States for a vacation, I’m consumed with packing and preparing for the trip. A number one thought in my mind is how to best keep our baby cool in the hot temperatures while still protecting her from the sun’s rays. As we plan to spend some of our time sightseeing outdoors in temperatures in the mid 80’s to 90’s, this is a real concern. Apparently, not every mother shares this concern. In a story that is sure to twist your stomach and cause emotions ranging from disbelief … Continue reading

Adoptions: Non-Refundable?

I’ve always loved children. I’ve been babysitting my whole life, went to school to become an elementary grade school teacher, and taught preschool for two years after graduating. Since becoming a mother, I look at children in a totally different light. Before, kids were just kids. I liked them, and most of them were fun. However, some were cute, some weren’t as cute; some were brats, some were angels. Now, when I see a child, I think to myself, “Someone carried that child in her belly for 9 months. Someone gave birth to that baby. Someone probably loves that child … Continue reading

Safety of Slings

If you’re a parent who keeps up with baby product news, you no doubt have seen phrases similar to the following in recent headlines: “Sling recall.” “Slings blamed for infant deaths.” “Are any baby slings safe?” Due to the recent recall of two sling models manufactured by a well-known baby product company, many parents are questioning the safety of their baby carriers. Parents who formerly were convinced of the benefits of baby wearing are now wondering if the benefits are worth the risks. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 13 infant deaths have been associated with sling-style carriers over … Continue reading

Free 8×10 Of Baby

I know I said yesterday that today’s blog would be about whether you need to replace your child’s car seat after a car accident, but I discovered a deal that I had to share with you, and it’s only valid today. I know that many parents take their children to get their pictures taken professionally. This usually happens at three months, six months, nine months, one year, and every subsequent birthday. I’ve never taken my daughter to get her picture taken professionally. I’m not sure why, but it probably is a combination of a few things. It could be the … Continue reading

Chemicals in IV Bags May Damage Preemies

If your baby is a preemie, than he already has some obstacles to overcome. But what if the simple treatment of using an IV to keep him hydrated and fed could actually be harming him? That is what a new study in Germany may be revealing. My oldest son was born at 38 weeks when my water broke, and I had to be induced. Of course, 38 weeks is hardly a preemie, and in fact considered full term by the medical community. Still, he suffered from jaundice that was bad enough to have him hospitalized. His liver wasn’t mature enough … Continue reading

Colic May Lead to Future Disease

Researchers are studying colic in babies, the one gastrointestinal condition that can stump even the experts. They have some interesting news about it, including identification of a bacterium that may be causing the condition, as well as a link between colic in babies and the later development of gastrointestinal disease into adulthood. Colic is characterized by inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. It has long been thought that some form of gastrointestinal discomfort is to blame. Colic can be dangerous not directly but because it can lead to frustration in parents, post partum depression and even harm to the … Continue reading

Do Fetuses Have Memory and Other News

A new study suggests that babies in the womb may be able to remember. This is exciting news, not just in itself. Testing babies on their memory while they are still in the womb may help detect developmental issues as early as possible. The study was conducted at Maastricht University Medical Center in The Netherlands and published in the journal, Child Development. Fetuses were given a form of stimulation by vibration. At first the babies were startled, but after several introductions of the stimulus, they seemed to ignore it. Furthermore, fetuses tested when they got older seemed to “remember” the … Continue reading

Babies, Beaches and Diarrhea

A new study shows that there may be things lurking in the sand and in the water at the beach that could make your baby sick. Here is what you need to know to keep your little one safe. When you take your little one to the beach, you are all prepared for safety. You’ve got the sunscreen and maybe even the umbrella or baby tent to prevent burns, you’ve got the little shoes or a towel to protect delicate feet, and you are watching at all times to make sure that your baby is away from the danger of … Continue reading