Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part II

While I’m no expert on this subject of overactive letdown and oversupply of milk, I’m excited to share this information with other Moms! I’m still trying to figure this all out myself, because my hope is that my baby who is suffering from the same symptoms I spoke about in Part I of this article, is actually having a problem with my supply, and NOT a problem with the foods I eat. However, in my case, I am currently cutting out dairy, soy, chocolate, corn, eggs, and nuts. I also have a prescription for an acid reflux medication if dietary … Continue reading

What La Leche League Can Do For You

Yes, I sound like a PR person for La Leche League, I know. But really – how many of you think that La Leche League is an organization for radical breastfeeders? Hands up! Ok, check. That’s what I thought too. However, that was until I actually met the folks in our local group. Granted, LLL groups differ, but here is what you can expect from an LLL meeting. You can expect a well-run meeting, but one that is more casual than you might be used to if you’ve been in the corporate world. La Leche League meetings tend to have … Continue reading

Setting Up a Nursing Table

When my daughter came home from the hospital, we were still in the throes of learning how to nurse. I found it quite challenging. She had a tiny mouth and a weak sucking reflex because she was a little bit early. Although her delicate mouth delighted all of the older ladies who would call it a “rosebud,” that rosebud mouth gave me worlds of grief during our first weeks at home. When we sat down to nurse in those first weeks, it was a bit of an ordeal. Therefore, it was essential to have a good nursing station. I didn’t … Continue reading

How to Increase Your Milk Supply

If you are worried that your young baby isn’t gaining as much weight as you think he should, or if you don’t feel as though you are producing enough milk, you may want to try some methods to increase your milk supply. Here are some tips. First let me say that sometimes it may seem as though you don’t have enough milk because your baby seems ravenous, when you are actually producing plenty of milk. The constant feeding could be because your baby is going through a growth spurt. Your pediatrician or a lactation consultant should be able to help … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Breastfeeding After a Biopsy

Question: I have a suspicious looking mole on my left areola that I have to have removed May 8th. Breastfeeding has been going very well and I wonder if I will be able to continue to bf. Is it possible to feed on just the right until the left heals? I’m not sure how long it will take to heal or how sore it will be. If I am unable to continue what is the best way to wean her? I have about 8, 5oz bottles of frozen breast milk. I was thinking if I have to switch to formula … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: You Said Not to Pump. . .But They Said to Pump

Question: Hi. I’ve read most of your blogs on breastfeeding and first, thank you so much. We’ve had a rough start and my baby was in the NICU for a few weeks so I had to pump. But when she came home, I stopped pumping because I had read somewhere that you said pumping does not increase your supply. However, the nurses in the hospital said I need to keep pumping to keep up my supply because the baby won’t suck effectively. What’s your advice? First of all, you’re welcome and I’m glad you’re breastfeeding your baby. You’re right. I … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Can I Still Be Vegan and Breastfeed?

Question: I’ve read some stories about vegan parents who malnourished their baby while breastfeeding. Should I not breastfeed so that my baby can be healthy? And if I shouldn’t breastfeed, what else should I feed my baby? Cow’s milk? Soy milk? Thanks for your response. Whoa Nelly! Before I answer this let me just say that I’m not a vegan. . .not even a vegetarian. However, I do know that breast milk is always the best food for an infant. It does not violate the ideals of veganism as I understand it, because first of all your milk was intended … Continue reading

5 Common Breastfeeding Mistakes that New Moms Make

The CDC announced recently that while more women are breastfeeding than even a few years ago, they’re still not doing it for long enough. I have said before that I believe the number one reason women quit breastfeeding is for lack of support and information. Sure, while you’re pregnant you undoubtedly had lots of brochures passed your way and maybe you’ve even had a conversation with the pediatrician. But your baby is born and all does not go as planned and before you know it, you’re supplementing and slowly you lose milk. So here are my top 5 common mistakes … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: A Toddler’s Proper Place on the Weight Charts

Question: My youngest is one and starting to lose ground on the charts. All of my kids went through this when they started becoming very active and I night weaned. My ped wants me to stop breastfeeding and put him on whole milk. I want to continue to breastfeed. I’ve been giving him baby yogurt, ice cream (he hates it), avocado (he hates it) cookies and other junk food to get the calories in. Any other suggestions? Ah. . .doctors and their lack of knowledge on breastfeeding coupled with their attachment to those charts = a dangerous combination. To put … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Extra Water for Breastfed Babies?

The question: It is so hot here, I think it was over 100 degrees yesterday. I breastfeed my 2 month old daughter. My mother in law told me that it was so hot I should give her some extra water out of a bottle to make sure she doesn’t get dehydrated. What is your opinion? My opinion is that your dear mother in law is operating on information that was taught to breastfeeding moms decades ago. You absolutely should NOT give your breastfeeding infant (especially if he’s feeding on demand) water unless it is directed by a pediatrician on a … Continue reading