Weaning Baby To Formula- Part I

I am no expert on formula. In fact, I know very little about it. I breastfed my two older children, and am currently breastfeeding my third. Rarely did I ever give bottles. However, due to his complex food allergy issues, I am trying to wean him on to formula. This is an emotional process. It is difficult. It’s been a few days since my last post about the emotional roller coaster of breastfeeding. I’m still working hard at giving him bottles during the day. He seems to be tolerating the formula well from a food allergy stand point, but I … Continue reading

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Breastfeeding

The post-partum period is a roller coaster of emotions. At least, it always has been for me. The sleep deprivation, the joy of being a mother all over again, the stress of making sure that you are doing everything just right. Breastfeeding seems to go right along for the ride in that roller coaster. I have been blessed to breastfeed my two older children for 14 months each. It was a difficult and beautiful time in my life and theirs. We bonded. I wanted it to end one day, and dreaded the time I would wean the next. This time … Continue reading

My Weaning Experiences

I have four children and found that each one brings a different experience to the mix. Just when you think you have this baby thing down another one throws you for a loop. Don’t be discouraged, your confidence grows and parenting does become easier and more relaxed in many ways. But all wise parents know to expect the unexpected and prepare to be unprepared. When I began to breastfeed, I decided I would stop at 12 months. I figured that was enough time and the regular time a baby is weaned from a bottle. As it turned out I breastfed … Continue reading

10 Breastfeeding Facts from WHO

American society seems to have a different attitude toward breastfeeding sometimes than the world at large. I was shocked when I started nursing my first child a few years ago to learn that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until the age of 2. I had always thought that one year old was the recommended age, although I knew that many cultures breastfeed far beyond that. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding until 1 year. I have always breastfed my children until about 14 months of age. I am determined to breastfeed. This has not been an easy task … Continue reading

When It Is a Struggle To Breastfeed

Many women have difficulties when trying to breastfeed. I’ve never really put myself in that class of women because I’ve always had an ample supply, and my babies have always latched on easily. This baby is no different. However, I found myself wanting to give up breastfeeding last week. I was in a lonely place. I was severely sleep deprived due to 3 nights of pretty much no sleep as I trialed eggs in my diet to see if my little guy could tolerate them. He can’t. I realized, that I also have a struggle with breastfeeding, but it is … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part II

While I’m no expert on this subject of overactive letdown and oversupply of milk, I’m excited to share this information with other Moms! I’m still trying to figure this all out myself, because my hope is that my baby who is suffering from the same symptoms I spoke about in Part I of this article, is actually having a problem with my supply, and NOT a problem with the foods I eat. However, in my case, I am currently cutting out dairy, soy, chocolate, corn, eggs, and nuts. I also have a prescription for an acid reflux medication if dietary … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part I

Although I am now breastfeeding my third child, I am just now looking into oversupply, and overactive letdown as reasons for why my baby is so fussy. I have always known that I had no problem producing enough milk for my babies. My first two kids were nice, chubby babies, and I have never been able to relate to women that don’t have enough. Although, I am fully aware that this is a real problem for many Moms. But, did you know that too much milk can also be a serious problem too? I didn’t, until recently, and honestly, it … Continue reading

Nursing Moments

These days I spend a large portion of my day (and night) nursing my daughter. Sometimes I find myself getting a little frustrated when I have to stop to nurse her when I am in the middle of doing something else like cleaning, cooking, or writing etc. Again at night when I am particularly tired and she cannot seem to latch on without focused illuminated help. Even though I find myself feeling temporarily frustrated, I also feel a sense of appreciation for the “forced breaks” that I get to take throughout the day and I am grateful for the time … Continue reading

A Breastfeeding Experience Part II

I learned later from other first time mom’s that the first few weeks of breastfeeding can be quite painful. Cracked and bleeding nipples are not uncommon for first timers or in the early days of post-partum with consecutive babies. Other mom’s warned me that I might have a breast infection; I did not however. The honest to goodness truth is that breastfeeding can and often does hurt. After I weaned my son (a good six months before my daughter’s birth), I could not help but wonder what my experience with breastfeeding would be the second time around. I was almost … Continue reading

A Breastfeeding Experience Part I

There was never any question in my mind whether or not I would breastfeed my babies. Being the second oldest out of nine children, not only were we all breastfeed but I grew up around lots of breastfeeding mom’s. Breastfeeding was a very normal occurrence. It was not until I did my own research that I came to know all the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby. Equipped with both second hand experience and knowledge, I was confident and determined to breastfeed my children. Before the birth of my son, everything I read indicated that if breastfeeding was … Continue reading