My Nursing Story

About a decade ago I only knew a few women who nursed. When I made the decision to nurse my child I was in the minority. As the years went on it has become more popular once again. It seems that moms who bottle feed are in the minority. It was a strange feeling to be on both sides of this issue. As one who nursed around few who nursed and as one who bottle fed when everyone around were nursing. I remember the comments when I had my first baby. Many asked me how I knew my baby was … Continue reading

The Modest Nursing Mom

Nursing in public can be tricky. Everyone has their opinions and concerns about it. No matter the concern most will agree that modesty is key. A nursing mom does not want to make others feel uncomfortable nor is she interested in flashing every passerby in the mall. Many cover up behind blankets or wraps or retreat to bathrooms or a private area. Many malls now have family bathrooms with nursing stations. However, I never feed myself in a bathroom or my other children so why would I feed my infant in a bathroom? Even if a mom tries to wear … Continue reading

Milk Problems

I breastfeed. I’ve breastfed all three of my children and I love it. Not only is it the best food for baby, but it gives me downtime with my little ones that is strictly between them and me. No one can substitute for me, no one can take my place. It’s a bonding experience that I couldn’t imagine not having with my babies. But about four weeks ago, I had a really nasty cold. I took some anti-histamines. The next day I found out that it really wasn’t a cold, it was the flu. A flu that was accompanied by … Continue reading

Nursing and Spitting Up

I remember when I was first breastfeeding, that I was so worried about getting it “right”. I was constantly wondering, was she getting enough? Is she getting too much? And, I would feed my daughter around the clock. She was a great nurser. She was the type of child who would literally sit at the breast all. day. long. That is if I would have let her. She was content to nurse, stop sucking, but still hang on, and then start up again when she felt like it. Falling asleep at the breast was also a challenge because she was … Continue reading

Breastfeeding is a Personal Choice

As a mother who has nursed three babies and edits an attachment parenting site, I am a big supporter of breastfeeding. But one thing I’ve noticed is that some people are crazy about it. There are a lot of breastfeeding moms and supporters out there that get kind of nasty to moms that don’t breastfeed. My personal experience was when my oldest quit nursing at seven months old. She just quit. No notice, no warning. Just one day she woke up and wanted nothing to do with my breast. Come to find out I was pregnant, but she didn’t care, … Continue reading

Nursing Until 1 Year, and beyond

I wrote an article recently called, The Truth About Nursing. It can shed some light on what nursing is like in those first few months. It seems that these days, people who nurse past 6 months are very rare. I find that more and more of my friends are saying to me, “Wow! I can’t believe you breastfed that long!” and other things like that. I do feel lucky that I was able to nurse both of my children until they were 14 months old. Here is another fact that I realized the other day about my own nursing experience. … Continue reading

Breast Milk Ice Cream?

Have you ever tasted your own breast milk? Many moms do. I have had several people tell me that they taste everything they put into baby’s mouth, and that includes their own breast milk. I am very pro breastfeeding. I feel that for me, it was definitely the right choice with both of my children. I was blessed with an overabundance, and I felt like it was my responsibility to breastfeed. But, I never tasted it. Never. It felt unnatural for me to try my own breast milk. It was for baby, not me. But, what is the harm in … Continue reading

The Truth About Nursing

I can only speak from my own experience. I have nursed 2 babies until they were 14 months old each. So, I do have a little experience. And, I am 100% pro-nursing. Although, one thing I think no one ever really said about nursing was the ugly truth. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Here is what I can tell you: Nursing is wonderful. You do bond with your baby. You do love it. But, it is also hard. When I had my daughter this is the one thing that I think I kept saying to myself, “Why did … Continue reading

My Experience With Child-Led Weaning – The Conclusion

Last month I shared my experience with child-led weaning. A month ago, we were down to one feeding each morning, and that continued for a while. This past week, my son dropped the morning feeding. He simply woke up and said “eat,” pointing downstairs (where his high chair is), and was happy to have his rice milk, banana and cereal. For a few days he asked to nurse in the afternoon. Then, one day, he didn’t ask at all. He didn’t ask the next day either… or the next. On the third day I realized he probably wasn’t going to … Continue reading

My Experience With Child-Led Weaning

So you’re committed to breastfeeding your little one, but you’re still in the throes of full-time breastfeeding and wondering if you’ll ever get your body back. Perhaps you have decided to let your baby self-wean, but you are not sure how it is going to play out in everyday life. Part of you is afraid your baby will never give up her “nanas” (or whatever your little one calls them). That’s one of the main reasons many moms decide to wean at a certain age. Not having a concrete end in sight is hard for some moms. For others, weaning … Continue reading