How to Prevent Your Baby from Developing Scurvy

It is not often that you hear of someone developing scurvy in today’s world. Scurvy was once a disease that afflicted pirates and explorers in the 18th century. That doesn’t mean that people no longer catch this (now rare) disease. A baby in Spain was diagnosed with scurvy. How can you prevent your baby from developing this disease? A study was published in the journal Pediatrics that parents should take note of. Researchers found that a baby in Spain had developed scurvy, and set out to find out how that happened. In short, they determined that it was due to … Continue reading

RSV Season is Here

It’s time to start washing your hands more and keeping those countertops disinfected; it’s RSV season. I’m fairly certain we’ve got a case of it circulating our house, since this morning I heard the tell tale “barking cough” coming from my son’s room and his nose has been running like crazy. He’s been taking extra naps, drinking plenty of fluids and seems to be improving as the day progresses. I put him to bed an hour early tonight and I’m hoping that the extra sleep will help rid him of this illness. RSV is one of the most common respiratory … Continue reading

Benefits of Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo Care is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and improve her health and well-being. There are numerous benefits associated with Kangaroo Care. My husband and I did Kangaroo Care with our daughter nearly 24 hours a day for the first week of her life. We can’t say enough good things about the experience. This blog will discuss the benefits of Kangaroo Care, and why Kangaroo Care worked for us. Many of the benefits of Kangaroo Care center around an amazing feature of the female body. When a baby, wearing only a diaper, is placed between its mother’s … Continue reading

We Love Kangaroo Care

My daughter was born with some minor health concerns. Because of this, the pediatricians at the hospital recommended she remain in the hospital for a week to be observed. It was very upsetting that we didn’t get to take her home right away. However, the experience was not entirely negative. I was able to stay in my daughter’s room the entire week, and we learned about a very valuable method of caring for babies. This method is called Kangaroo Care. Kangaroo Care is a method often used with premature babies, but it has been proven to be very successful in … Continue reading

Identifying Autism in Babies

Numerous studies have shown that early intervention is key to getting a better outcome with autism-related therapies. Efforts are being made by physicians and teachers to identify autism in children as young as preschool age, but some experts say this still isn’t enough. Being able to identify babies under the age of three or four is the goal of some researchers. The average age of a diagnosis of autism is at almost four years old. Sage Publications and The National Autistic Society recently published a report on clinical assessment of autism in high-risk babies 18-months of age. A baby is … Continue reading

Health Issues with Apple Juice and Toddlers

Apple juice, as a clear fluid, is often recommended when a child is sick or has a stomach virus. But, there are other health issues that have been associated with children and apple juice. Here is what you need to know about the latest research. As a rule, my kids very rarely drink juice in our house. Usually we offer milk or water. I prefer allowing my kids to eat whole fruits instead of juice for a few reason. They can get more fiber and vitamins from the whole fruit, they consume less sugar and the sugar that is consumed … Continue reading

Newborn Dental Hygiene

You should take care of your baby’s teeth and gums even if she doesn’t yet have any teeth. Research shows that establishing good dental hygiene at a young age, even for an infant, can lead to a lifetime of good health. Here is some advice on what you need to do to take care of your baby. You may or may not have heard of the condition known as baby bottle mouth. Serious harm can come to a baby’s teeth when bottled filled with juice, milk or formula are allowed to sit in a baby’s mouth for long periods of … Continue reading

New Children’s Vitamin D Recommendation May Require Supplements

The American Academy of Pediatrics has a new recommendation for the amount of vitamin D for newborns, babies, kids and teens. Read on to learn more. If you are a breast-feeding mom, then chances are that you are familiar with vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D is usually present in formula but very little is available in breastmilk. Because of this fact, a liquid vitamin supplement that includes vitamin D is usually recommended for newborns who are breast-feeding. Older kids usually get their vitamin D from drinking regular cow’s milk. The vitamin was added many years ago to both milk and … Continue reading

Preventing and Treating Dehydration

With cold and flu season approaching as it does every fall season, dehydration becomes a real concern for babies. It is probably one of the most common issues facing babies, and it is often ignored or under treated. Left without treatment, dehydration can lead to infant death, as it does in many countries around the world. In fact, it is the number one cause of infant death worldwide. Fortunately, with modern medicine at our disposal, as well as some knowledge, we can prevent serious cases of dehydration. Read on to find out what you need to know to protect your … Continue reading

Bottle Feeding Past 15 Months Linked to Iron Deficiency

If you bottle feed, you might be reluctant to take the bottle away from your baby. After all, it is sometimes easier and more comforting for the baby to have what she is used to, the bottle, instead of a cup. But, there is a good reason to get your baby on a cup from six to nine months of age. Recent studies have shown that toddlers who still use a bottle are at an increased risk for iron deficiency. This information is brought to light by a recent article in Pediatrics for Parents by Jane Brotanek, MD, MHD, an … Continue reading