Ear Pain and Babies

“Mommy, my ear hurts!” These days it is much easier to pinpoint the source of my daughter’s pain, but this was not the case when she was a baby. Back then I would have to drag my child into the pediatrician to see if she had an ear infection because her symptoms were not unusual. Common symptoms associated with ear infections include: *Ear pain *Tugging at the ears *Trouble sleeping *Loss of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting *Increased irritability *Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher *A thick, clear or yellowish, fluid draining from the ears The problem was that my … Continue reading

How to Protect Your Baby from Stinging Insects

A new study reveals that an increasing number of kids in the United States are allergic to bee stings. Fortunately, scientists also found that the majority of babies, who suffer allergic reactions to insect stings, eventually outgrow the allergies. Still, babies and bee stings never equate to a happy situation. Bee stings are a painful annoyance that cause soreness, some swelling and redness. What’s more, during the summer months, your baby’s chance of getting stung by honeybees, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets increases dramatically if you spend a lot of time in the great outdoors. Don’t let a stinging insect … Continue reading

Babies and Bee Stings

Nothing spoils an outdoor activity with your baby faster than a bee sting. I know this for a fact. When I was seven a bee stung my 11-month-old brother at our favorite park. It’s a scene forever etched in my memory. Actually, I don’t remember every detail, but I’ll never forget my brother’s blood curdling screams following the sting. Unfortunately, bees like to frolic in summer’s warm temps as much as children do. From parks to pools, bike rides to backyard cookouts, there are very few outdoor activities that don’t attract unwanted buzzing guests. My young daughter is deathly afraid … Continue reading

Baby Proof Your Pool

With much of the country sweltering in the midsummer heat it’s no surprise that kids of all ages are seeking solace in cool bodies of water. After all, there’s no better way to beat the heat on a blistering hot summer day than splashing around in a pool or pond. This is true for babies too. Having a pool or pond on your own property is extremely convenient, but it is also a tremendous responsibility, especially if you have young children around. Studies show that having a fence, which completely surrounds your pool, hot tub or pond, is one of … Continue reading

Gardening: Baby-Friendly Pest Control

Summertime is here, and with it comes gardening season. If you’re like me, you love the idea of eating organic without having to pay the hefty grocery bill. Planting a garden allows you to do just that. Eating healthy is important for people of all ages, but it is especially important for babies. What could be better than feeding your baby steamed green beans, broccoli, or carrots straight from the garden? When you plant your own food, you control exactly what goes into growing it: the soil, the fertilizer, and the pest control. I’m able to plant a garden for … Continue reading

Precautions to Take when Flying with a Young Child with a Peanut Allergy

You’re a parent of a young child with a severe peanut allergy. You are planning a vacation that makes it necessary to get on an airplane. The thought of being on an enclosed, peanut-ridden vehicle that circulates recycled air makes you nearly go into anaphylactic shock. What can you do to keep your child safe? First of all, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from a peanut allergy. Although there is no miracle solution to the stress and anxiety you might feel, there are precautions you can take that will likely make your trip safe. To begin, make … Continue reading

Flying with a Child with a Peanut Allergy

During each of our flights on our last vacation, Southwest Airlines provided us with complimentary snacks. It was a welcome surprise, as flying with a baby left me with a hefty appetite. I tore into the small bags of peanuts, cheese crackers, and pretzels. As I carelessly wiped my salty hands on my pants and seat, I thought of my nephew. My nephew is one of the unfortunate millions of children with a severe peanut allergy. When my brother and family come to visit, we remove any food that may have come into contact with peanuts. My nephew goes nowhere … Continue reading

Do Dogs And Babies Mix?

“Don’t worry – our dog is GREAT around children.” “Your baby can play safely on the floor while our dog walks around. He would never hurt a fly.” “Sure, she can pet him. He’s never bitten anyone.” How many times have you heard phrases like this when dogs and babies are in the same room? I’m an animal lover. I was never allowed to have a pet, but I made friends with all of the neighborhood animals. I’ve never had a bad experience with any animal, let alone a dog. I think raising animals teaches children valuable lessons in responsibility … Continue reading

Are You Buckled, Miss Suitcase?

You all know how I feel about people buckling up in my car. What you may not be aware of is that I’ve been known to frequently buckle non-human items that are riding in my car. I’ll give you a couple examples. A few days ago, I was meeting some friends at the park, planning to do some walking while we were there. I always keep an umbrella stroller in the trunk of my car, but I wanted my bigger, heavier-duty one along for this particular walk. Rather than break my back trying to hoist it up and then wrestle … Continue reading

Buckle Up: It’s MY Law

“Is everyone buckled?” I can’t even count how many times my mom asked that question before pulling out of the driveway or parking lot. She often didn’t even start the car until all of our buckles were latched. You’d think that with all the statistics out there on how many lives are saved by wearing seat belts, people would buckle up without a thought. Heck, even if they don’t care about saving their lives, you’d think people would buckle up to avoid getting a hefty ticket. Prior to having a baby, my husband and I always buckled; however, we didn’t … Continue reading