Tips for Getting Your Baby or Toddler to Sleep

Sleeping is not something you can really teach a baby or a toddler, but it is definitely something you can facilitate as the parent. It’s all about creating a schedule and an environment that is conducive to sleep. Remember the famous line, “make him an offer he can’t refuse”? That is exactly what you have to do when it comes to getting your baby to sleep. You have to create that desire for sleep. You have to make it easy for your baby to fall asleep as well. These are things you do for yourself and take for granted. You … Continue reading

Sippy Cups

I have bought so many different kinds of sippy cups over the past several months, I’m beginning to consider myself a sippy connoisseur. I tried the traditional cup with handles on the lid. I tried a few with handles on the cup itself. I have tried straw cups with and without sliding covers for travel. Some of our sippy cups feature valves and some do not. Some of them I would consider to be a little pricey and some of them are made to toss. Interestingly enough, it’s the cheap valve-free, take-and-toss cups that I have come to appreciate the … Continue reading

Leaf Crafts for Toddlers

It’s just about fall! The older kids are heading back to school. If you are looking for crafty activities to do with your baby or toddler, here are a few fun ideas. If you have preschoolers too, be sure to check out these fun end of summer and beginning of fall ideas as well! With babies and toddlers, doing art is about getting messy, exploring new textures, and working on fine and large motor skills. Oh yeah, it’s also about having fun! Where I live, the leaves are just beginning to change colors. Go out on a leaf hunt with … Continue reading

Is Your Toddler Nutritionally Deficient?

Trying to get a toddler to eat is sometimes like…well, I can’t even compare it. There are no words. As a result, we parents seem to always worry about our little ones getting enough to eat. Conventional wisdom tells us to just relax, continue to offer new foods and allow our toddlers to eat when they are hungry. But is there ever a danger of our toddlers becoming nutritionally deficient? While it isn’t likely that your toddler is nutritionally deficient, it is a good idea to know the signs, just to be safe. First of all, if you are all … Continue reading

What Triggers Toddler Anger?

There is no wrath like that of an angry toddler! From kicking and screaming, to crying and biting, there is not a parent on the planet that does not dread the anger of a little one who is about to lose it. Chances are that you already know some of the anger triggers. My toddler might go into a melt down if a toy is suddenly taken away, or in today’s case, when the stroller broke and we had to cancel our trip to the park. Knowing what these triggers are can do a lot to help you understand them … Continue reading

Fostering Pretend Play

Pretend play is very important for toddlers. As their language skills grow, they become more adapt at telling stories and pretend play. At this stage, having the opportunity for make believe will help them grow and develop to the best of their abilities. As they get a little older, toddlers can benefit from different “props” that help them explore jobs and activities that adults do. Copying the adults around them is a way for them to explore the world, gain confidence in themselves, develop more language skills and try new things in a safe environment. For pretend play, simple toys … Continue reading

Two Tricks to Organizing Your Toddler’s Room

Do you remember the time when you first set up your child’s nursery? I bet the crib bedding was just right, the matching rug was centered, the cute toys waited on shelves, and the room emitted a sense of peace. Well fast forward a couple of years later, and you now find the room in complete chaos, with toys scattered all over the floor, a jumble of stuffed animals and books on the bed, and learning toys that force you to “learn” how to find all of the missing pieces. At least, that is how it went down in my … Continue reading

Setting Limits with Toddlers

Setting consistent limits and boundaries are not only good for the peace of your family, but they are also good for your toddler. Setting limits tells your toddler what behavior you expect from him, as well as the consequences of misbehavior. When developing limits for your toddler, you first have to understand of what behavior your toddler is capable. Expecting a two-year-old to throw out his paper cup when his drink is done is perfectly reasonable. Expecting him to sit still for a piano recital is not. Different toddlers grow and develop at different rates, so keep that in mind … Continue reading

How to Keep Toddlers from Fighting

When there are two toddlers fighting over a toy, things can get a bit dicey. You want to make sure that your child isn’t the aggressor, while at the same time ensuring that your child isn’t getting abused by the other child. The secret to sorting it out is to determine aggressiveness versus assertiveness. With aggression, the toddler is infringing on someone else’s territory. The other child may have been happily playing with the toy when your child comes out of nowhere, sees that it looks interesting and attempts to snatch it away for himself. With assertiveness, your child may … Continue reading

Dealing with a Screaming Toddler

Sometimes it seems that there is nothing worse than a screaming toddler, unless it is a screaming toddler in public. Here are some tips on how to deal with this situation in a loving manner and regain control of the situation. The first piece of advice that I have is that if you are out in public when your toddler starts screaming, is to ignore everyone else around you. You will get many many looks, especially if you are in a crowded store or restaurant. Forget the stares, the sympathetic smiles and even the comments of outrage. Parents of young … Continue reading