Take the Time

How many times have you said to someone ‘I’ll pray about that’ and forgotten to do so. Or you’ve been too busy at the time and think you’ll do it later. Somehow later never comes around. Perhaps someone at church or a friend or family member has asked you to do something and you promise you will. Then you become so caught up with your own life and work, and problems that it never happens. It is disappointing and frustrating when this happens. I’ve had this happen twice recently with people who have promised faithfully to do things and then … Continue reading

You are a PR person

Many businesses these days have PR or public relations people who are the visible face and voice of the business. They are the one who present a positive image to the world. They advertise it. But have you ever though that you are a PR person for your church firstly and for Jesus? I hadn’t thought if it quite like that until a friend recently said to me, ’You’d be a good PR person for your church. Oh hang on, I guess you already are.’ It’s true that those outside the church – our neighbors, friends, family and workmates are … Continue reading

Don’t Put It Off

Have you ever felt that urge to pray for someone? You don’t know why but you feel prompted to pray. Can I urge you not to ignore it? The Lord God often puts it on a person’s mind to pray for someone without knowing all the details. It is enough that God knows. This week a woman in our church testified how she had felt led to pray for those in our congregation. She didn’t know why but she was obedient. Unbeknown to her there had been a serious accident. A man from our congregation had found his son lying … Continue reading

You Could Make a Difference

It’s that time of year where churches get lots of visitors. Some come with family members over Christmas. Others are on holidays. Still others do their annual church visit to a carols or a Christmas service. Have you ever thought that whether they ever come back to church again might depend on you? While traveling up the coast on Sunday, Mick and I had the experience of visiting another church. We parked the car and walked towards the church buildings. Not one person stepped forward to welcome us. We walked into the church, which was empty, so we went to … Continue reading

Practical Wisdom

So, you want to be smarter? We saw that the Bible tells us the starting point for achieving wisdom. So if we have taken that first step and know the Lord God, then what comes next? We each have different ideas and expectations about what life should be like. But instead of dwelling on our views of life, we need to have God’s view of life. And God has shown us what His view of life is and what He expects of us. ‘He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you … Continue reading

Don’t be a Jonah

How often are you and I like Jonah? Jonah was not just a reluctant prophet he was a rebellious prophet. God gave him a message to go to Nineveh and tell them that because their wickedness judgment was coming, Jonah 1:1. It’s not the sort of message anyone would put their hand up to deliver, especially to their enemies. Jonah wanted no part of it. He fled to Tarshish. Sometimes we can be just like Jonah. God gives us a message to give to our family, our friends, workmates and neighbors and instead of passing on that message, we ignore … Continue reading

The Importance of God’s Word

The book of Nehemiah shows us, among other things, the importance of reading, and obeying God’s Word. Nehemiah 8:1-8 As Ezra reads God’s Word, the people praise God. The people gather and Ezra reads God’s words to them. All morning he reads to them and the Bible says they ‘were attentive’ to the Word, verse 3. They also worshipped the Lord. Some Things to Think About How important is God’s Word to you? Reading God’s Word should encourage us to worship Him. Have you read God’s Word today? If not, why not take time to do it now? What has … Continue reading

What to Do When Satan Interferes

Satan loves to interfere in God’s work, to distract, disrupt, discourage, cause arguments and do all he can from stopping God’s work going ahead. When our daughter, with a team of young people was involved in a mission, Satan tired to interfere. On the day she was to give her testimony, she was so sick. But people prayed and God overruled. She gave her testimony and God’s work went ahead, despite the opposition. Satan hasn’t changed his tactic. Back in Nehemiah’s time, Satan tried to disrupt God’s work and stop it from happening. Nehemiah 6:1-9 Nehemiah’s enemies conspire to harm … Continue reading

Pray First, Then Act

The book of Nehemiah is not long – only 13 chapters, but it contains a great deal that is relevant to Christians today. In a way it is the other side of There’s a Need, So What? In Nehemiah 1 we see how God helps Nehemiah identify a need and then act upon that need. Jerusalem and its walls had been destroyed in the Babylonian invasion. Nehemiah hears from men from Judah about the situation facing the remnant that ‘had escaped and had survived the captivity,’ Nehemiah 1:2. When he heard the sad state of affairs, Nehemiah wept and mourned. … Continue reading

Do You Want to Know What God Hates?

Do you want to know what God hates? The bible tells us. Here are some things mentioned. God hates: Unjust scales Proverbs 11: 1, 20:23. God doesn’t want to see people cheated. That’s good for us to remember at tax time and in our dealings with others. I think it also applies not just financially but to cheating others in what we give to a relationship. Boasting and those who do iniquity, lies and deceit, violence and bloodshed, Psalm 5:5-6. Divorce, Malachi 2:16. Notice, God does not say he hates the divorced person but divorce. Life long marriage of one … Continue reading