Folly and Fidelity

Sometimes we don’t see what is staring us right in the face. We may need to listen to the wisdom and counsel of others who are older and wiser, Proverbs 5:1. How carefully do we listen to those who have wisdom and insight? Proverbs 5:13. On the other hand, when we have experience and wisdom in a certain problem or situation, do we share that wisdom with others, so they may benefit from what we have learned? The trouble is even those with wisdom may not be right in every case, so how do we know where to turn? We … Continue reading

Parenting and the word ‘No’

In my last blog we looked at the responsibility of parents. Today we will see the difference between a person who is not used to hearing the word, ‘NO.’ and the one who has learned obedience. In Old Testament times a barren women was told she would have a child Judges 13:2-3. He was to be a ‘Nazirite to God from the womb,’ verse 5. As God said, the woman gave birth to a son who was named Samson, Judges 13:24. It’s not too far fetched to suggest that after thinking they would never have a son, and then being … Continue reading

What Value Do You Put On Family?

How much time do you spend with your family? Is it more than three minutes a day, one to one? Karen Kingsbury in the after word of her novel ‘Family’ which is part of the Firstborn series, claims ‘national statistics say that most parents spend only three minutes each day having one-on-one time with their kids.’ As I read that sentence I found it hard to believe, perhaps because family has always been important to me. My husband and I made the decision early in our marriage that we would rather have a less spacious house in a less affluent … Continue reading

A Mother’s Ministry

As a stay-at-home-mom I have questioned the significance of my role as well as the position God would have me in regard to the body of Christ. I know I am doing a valuable service to my young children getting to devote a good amount of time to them during these early years especially. Recently I’ve really begun to discover the role God has given me as a mother in ministry. There is no other person who currently spends more time with my children than I do. I may have the most influence in their little lives. As they grow … Continue reading

School Teachings Contrary to the Bible

While secular education is important and necessary Christians must enter the education system with a careful eye. There are many “accepted” teachings which are contrary to the Word of God such as teachings regarding the age of the earth and evolution. Christians must be aware of the types of teachings and be prepared to stand against them. How can Christian parents be prepared to stand against these teachings and prepare their children to stand against these teachings? Educate yourself. I remember when I was a young child (I think I was in elementary school) being taught in school that oil … Continue reading

Showing Children the Importance of God

Sure, you always talk to your children about God. You tell them that He created the earth. You tell them that He made them special. You tell your children that they should read the Bible because it tells us more about God and it was given to us by God. You tell your children that they should pray to God. You tell your children to be kind to one another because it is right according to the Bible. You tell your children about love. You tell your children about the importance of attending worship. But do you show your children … Continue reading

Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children About Dating

Previously I devoted an entire article to the importance of teaching children to surround themselves with godly friends. This article stems from that foundation: Christian parents must teach their children the importance of dating Christians. If children understand the importance of surrounding themselves with godly friends, it will make it easier for children to understand the importance of dating Christians. Many children struggle with the concept that it really is important to choose who you date wisely. In fact, for most children, especially teens, their criteria for who they date are based solely on superficial characteristics. I think many have … Continue reading

Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children About Friends

A mother and father send their eighteen-year-old son off to college. He is a well-grounded individual who loves the Lord. The first year he is away at college he is faithful in attending church and surrounds himself with Christian friends. The second year he is at college he takes a job where he is surrounded by many non-Christians. He is spending so much time with his co-workers he has soon replaced his Christian friends with friends from work. Soon he begins slipping away from God, attending services less and less, and involving himself in the sin of the world. Sadly, … Continue reading

5 More Lessons Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children

After I wrote my first article over five lessons Christian parents must teach their children, I thought of just a few more things that needed to be included on that list. As I mentioned in my previous article, there are countless lessons that Christian parents must teach their children; however, I feel there are a few more things which should be mentioned specifically. Christian parents must teach their children to surround themselves with godly friends. Previously I mentioned the importance of parents teaching children the importance of dating Christians, and I think that I missed a really important piece of … Continue reading

What if we don’t teach our children?

I do not think that any Christian parent would argue with me when I say that it is incredibly important to teach our children about God and the Bible. However, I want to consider the idea of “what if we do not teach our children.” What if we do not teach our children about the Lord? What if we do not teach our children as well as we should about the Bible? In Judges 2:10 the Bible states the following: “And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not … Continue reading