Ask Your Husband

I understand not everyone who reads this has a husband. So, for the purpose of what I have to share, feel free to insert whoever you feel is a voice of reason in your life. And yes, for those of you ladies who do not feel your husband is a reasonable voice, feel free to consider someone else’s name to insert where you see the word “husband”. I intend to share from my own thoughts here so please humor me. God sure is creative! Generally speaking men and women are so different. Though I don’t believe I’m as complicated as … Continue reading

Should Christian Families Separate?

The Bible says that Christians are to be “salt” and “light” in the world. This can be simply paraphrased: Christians are supposed to stand out. For instance, if a Christian family blends in perfectly with every other family at the park, there may be a problem. The Bible says that God’s people are a “peculiar” people. This does not mean “weird” as I have heard said, but it does mean different. The Bible also says that we are to be “sanctified” or, set apart. The idea of being sanctified is wonderful because it not only implies a separation from something … Continue reading

Battling a Materialistic Culture

I remember when I first understood what the word “materialistic” meant. I was in my freshman year of college sitting in a Sunday school class that was discussing modernist and post-modernist philosophies when I heard the word defined. Of course, I knew people who were obsessed with having “stuff”, but I didn’t know there was an actual word for it. Since that time my eyes have been opened to see the sickening level of materialism in this country. More relevantly, my eyes have been opened to the materialism that lurks within my own heart. For instance, before my husband and … Continue reading

Should You Let Your Teenager Attend High School Dances?

What is a high school dance? To a teenager, a high school dance is an opportunity for he or she to get together with their friends, listen to music, dance and have a good time. Dances are a time when relationships are formed between guys and girls. I still remember the high school dances I went to. I remember dancing with that certain guy who made my stomach jittery and my palms sweat. Conversely, I remember the pain of rejection when a guy I really liked never asked me to dance. In a way, high school dances are a way … Continue reading

Do You Have Time to Pray With Your Spouse?

Do you ever feel as though you have no idea what your spouse is thinking? Do you ever feel like you are just not thinking along the same lines or as though you don’t have the same priorities? Let me ask you another question: Do you pray with your spouse? In our busy lives it is often difficult to get five minutes alone with our husband to talk to him, much less pray with him. Our days are filled with taking care of our jobs, our homes and our children. Often when we finally have some time in which our … Continue reading

What’s In A Name?

Madison, Emma, Conner, and Aidan. A recent survey ranks them as the nation’s most popular girls’ and boys’ names. But among Catholic families, a new survey shows, that those names don’t even make the top ten. If you thought giving children the names of saints has gone out of fashion…think again. It seems Catholic parents still favor the names of the great men and women of their faith. With five children, a fellow mom and member of our church, says the key consideration in naming her children was a good patron saint. It’s no surprise that her first two sons … Continue reading

Qualities of a Christian Family

Over the past few blogs I have really been focusing on the Christian family. There are many distinct qualities a Christian family should exhibit in order to not only function well, but also to be pleasing to the Lord. Live life in subjection to God and His commandments. A Christian family should always have God as the centerpiece and foundation of their lives. Spend time together. Spending time together as a family allows the family the opportunity to understand each other’s needs. Study together. God’s word is a wonderful and precious gift. What a wonderful way to spend time together … Continue reading


The world we live in is filled with lies. Lies of every shape and size surround us. The world says that some lies are ok, as long as it keeps someone from being hurt. However, the Bible clearly teaches that lying is wrong and makes no distinction between a little lie and a big lie. In Colossians 3:9 the Bible states: “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices.” One of the most basic values and traits that we should have and exhibit is honesty. Children should be taught to … Continue reading

Should our conscience be our guide?

When it comes to making decisions in your life, you’ve often heard it said, “Let your conscience be your guide.” Should our conscience be our guide? According to, conscience is defined as the following: “the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong.” We all have a conscience or that little voice within our heads telling us that something is right or wrong. But is our conscience truly a reliable guide when it comes to making decisions in life? It is necessary to consider a very important fact … Continue reading

Teach Your Children Why

All of my best thoughts hit me at about 2:00 a.m. and the one that hit me last night was, “Family devotions are not all that significant.” (Pause here for effect.) Did I just here a pin drop? Read on and you will see my train of thought. I am a Christian mother and my greatest desire is for my children to know God and to walk in His ways. I do not want kids who just obey the rules. I want them to understand the heart behind the rules. As parents it is easy to tell our kids what … Continue reading