A Government Without God

More and more people in our country are trying to erase God from any political connection. That includes the pledge, schools, holidays, and even our money. Recently a battle has been fought in my home state over whether or not a 10 Commandments statue should be allowed to remain in a public park. Soon our children will be living in a nation that do not discuss God or acknowledge His involvement in the birth and continued success of our nation. An interesting but little known fact is that atop the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. are the words Laus Deo. … Continue reading

Celebrate Jesus Day (A.K.A. Easter)

Easter is coming up and once again my husband and I find our selves wondering how we can make this a special and memorable day for our children. This holiday, tainted though it’s been by commercialism, goddesses and egg laying bunnies, is a real opportunity to teach our kids about Jesus’ sacrifice. The challenge for us has been coming up with unique ways to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. A couple of thoughts occur to me. First, what my family celebrates is quite different than the holiday, Easter. I’ve heard some Christians call it Resurrection Day. I guess it’s a … Continue reading