Praise God in the Hard Times?

You’ve got to love children and the things they come out with. Here’s an example from the praise board in the Sunday school room of the local churches. ‘I praise God for making crabs and I’m going to get one.’ Don’t you just love it! It was interesting the other night when at choir to sit and read the things children praised God for. It reinforced what I’d been talking about the other day about how ready children are to praise God and how we can learn from them. Another one I saw recently was from a young woman who … Continue reading

Praise God in the Hard Times?

You’ve got to love children and the things they come out with. Here’s an example from the praise board in the Sunday school room of the local churches. ‘I praise God for making crabs and I’m going to get one.’ Don’t you just love it! It was interesting the other night when at choir to sit and read the things children praised God for. It reinforced what I’d been talking about the other day about how ready children are to praise God and how we can learn from them. Another one I saw recently was from a young woman who … Continue reading

Dreams and Desires Fulfilled

My talk on Saturday started off with my childhood dreams. At varying times in my life I wanted to be a wife and mother, a writer, a singer, a teacher and a missionary. Now anyone who knows me knows I’d be the world’s worst in a missionary situation. I am literally terrified of anything that creeps or crawls and much prefer my own home than being away. Over the years those childhood dreams had been pushed aside. I’d forgotten about them mostly. But God hadn’t. When I look back at those desires I had as a child of being a … Continue reading

Marriage as God Designed It?

I’m a romantic. I believe in happily ever after. I believe in love that lasts ‘until death us do part,’ to quote the words of the marriage service. This is the sort of love and union God planned when He made woman as a helper and partner for man, Genesis 3:20-22. Adam recognized this fact in the way he responded to the woman God made, verse 23. God’s Word tells us; ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh,’ Genesis 3:24. This verse, quoted … Continue reading

Make Time For Each Other

In all marriages it is important to make time to be together, alone- away from family and friends. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been married a long time or only a short time, whether your have a family or not. We need to take time just to spend together, enjoying each other’s company and connecting. Too often, work and family pressures can stop us from spending time together. It is too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect what, after our relationship with God, should be our most important relationship, that with our spouse. They … Continue reading

What Are You Talking About?

I often wonder whether some married couples talk to each other at all. The number of times I have heard one half of a couple talking about something they’re planning or hoping to do or have done, and then find their marriage partner knows nothing about it. It’s like they exist in two different worlds and the two never meet. ‘Don’t they ever talk to each other?’ I say, as I think of the hours my husband and I spend talking about all sorts of things. And yes, many of them are probably the same things we talked about when … Continue reading

Keeping the happily ever after.

Valentine’s Day is the day for letting the one you love, know how you feel about them. But it shouldn’t just be on Valentine’s Day. My husband and I have been married for more than two thirds of our lives. Yes, we married young – both under 21. In all that time there has not been a day when he has not told me he loved me and I have not told him I loved him. Sure, we show it by our actions and the things we do, but it’s always nice to hear the words. That’s one way of … Continue reading

5 Steps For Starting a Children’s Park Ministry

Are you looking for a way to reach children in your community this summer? Does your church have limited financial resources? Starting a park ministry is a great way to reach children in your area with the gospel that is also relatively inexpensive. This is also a ministry that your whole family can do together. Here are five tips to help you begin reaching children in your area: 1. Locate a park in your community that has apartment buildings nearby (preferably within walking distance). Parks located near residential developments and trailer parks are also ideal. 2. Canvas the area. Develop … Continue reading

To My Valentine

If you do nothing else this Valentine’s Day with your spouse, how about just jotting a note of things you appreciate about them? The following is mine to my husband: To My Husband, Rather than finding a card that best describes my feelings for you, I thought it would be better to dedicate this blog to you instead. This Valentine’s Day will be the twelfth we’ve spent together. Here are some of the things I really love about you: You don’t make a big deal about anything. You help out around the house. You get on the floor and play … Continue reading

Welcome To My New Co-Blogger

Beginning February 1, 2007 there was a new addition to our Christian Blogging family here at I am very excited to work along side of Amy who, like me, has love and a passion for Christ, and a desire to share of His goodness with others. Amy has taken the opportunity to introduce herself in her first blog so I won’t go into that here but I encourage you to read it (link provided at the bottom of this page). It really is wonderful to be able to work at a job along side of another Christian. I know … Continue reading