Teaching Children Through Song

Over the years I have found that one of the most effective ways to teach children about the Bible or Biblical concepts is through song. There are many advantages to using songs as a way to help children learn about Biblical ideas. Songs are fun, exciting, and interesting to children. Singing is an engaging activity, both mentally and physically. Children can sing these songs just about anytime from riding to school or doing their chores. Songs also provide an easy way for children to remember Bible stories or Biblical things. Below I have listed just a few songs which can … Continue reading

Resolve to Read Together

My husband often tells the story which occurred while he was a teenager before he obeyed the gospel and became a Christian. He was over at a friend’s home, I suppose just hanging out as teens do, when he and his friend were required to sit in on a family Bible study. This family had set aside a time to read the Bible. That time was not changed just because their son had a friend over. My husband was not a part of the congregation where this family met, yet they still took the time to read together while he … Continue reading

Accountability Partners

Most Christians I’ve talked with seem to have a pretty good understanding of what an accountability partner is. It’s a fellow believer that you can go to for prayer requests, fellowship, study, and well of course, accountability. When choosing an accountability partner, it’s probably better you find someone other than your spouse and someone of the same gender as yourself. No one is going to understand women’s issues better than a woman, and no one will understand a man’s issues quite like a man. Typically, though not always, men and women tend to have different types of struggles. Women tend … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Wise and Foolish Builders

If you read very many of my blogs you probably know that I teach a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. This lesson was one of their absolute favorites! In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus says the following: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does … Continue reading

Helping Children Memorize the Books of the Bible

Memorization can often be a frustrating task, even for adults. Children could certainly use some help regarding the memorization of the books of the Bible (there are 66 books after all). (Actually many adults could use some help regarding the memorization of the books of the Bible too!) Here is an activity that I developed to help the children in my Bible school class learn the books of the Bible. You will need just a couple of simple materials. First, you need a strip of paper with each book of the Bible written on it (I printed it out on … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Old Testament Books

Once children have mastered the books of the New Testament, they can begin learning about the books of the Old Testament. As I mentioned previously, I started out teaching the children in my Bible school class the books of the New Testament before the books of the Old Testament because, overall, the books of the New Testament are much simpler. The names of the Old Testament books are much more complex than those of the New Testament. Children might even have a difficult time learning to pronounce the names of the books of the Old Testament. Depending on the age … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The New Testament Books

Previously, I mentioned the necessity of teaching children basic concepts about the Bible: what it is, where it came from, who wrote it, and why it is important. This current lesson is necessary to help build the skills that children need to become students of the Word of God. Children need to memorize the books of the New Testament. From an early age children can learn to “Books of the New Testament” song. The song has a very easy tune. Why do children need to memorize the books of the New Testament? To have more knowledge about the Bible. To … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Bible

In the children’s Bible school class I teach on Sunday mornings I decided to “take a break” from the lessons I had been teaching the children from the book of Matthew for three lessons which I think are vital to any child’s Bible knowledge. The three part series is over the Bible and includes the following lessons: The Bible, The New Testament, and The Old Testament. These lessons seem so basic it might be easy to forget to teach children these important lessons. When I began teaching the children in my Bible school class I assumed they had some knowledge … Continue reading

Bible Stories: Great Faith

I think some of the most intriguing Bible stories for children are the stories of miracles which have occurred. In the beginning of Matthew chapter eight (verses 5-13), Matthew writes of the story of the centurion soldier. The centurion soldier had a servant who was paralyzed and “suffering terribly” (verse six). Apparently the actions of Christ had spread throughout the land because the centurion soldier sought Christ to heal his servant. When the centurion soldier tells Jesus about the servant’s condition, Jesus says that He will come to the servant. However, the centurion soldier has such great faith in Jesus … Continue reading

Bible Stories: Wise Man and Foolish Man

The previous entry in my Bible Stories series considered a portion of Matthew chapter five. Today, I want to focus on a portion on scripture at the end of Matthew chapter seven. I am passing over the middle portion of the Sermon on the Mount. While there are some nuggets of teaching that are easy for children to understand, most of the teachings are more complex than what would be taught to children, especially young children. The story of the wise and foolish builders is one of my favorite stories to teach to children. Although it is called a story, … Continue reading