When to Pray

When should you pray? On the health blog Stephanie suggested praying while walking on the treadmill. It’s a good idea. I have been known to pray while out walking along a beach or just around the neighborhood. Of course it’s important to keep eyes open but it does help to be focused. Often things you see while walking, prompt the mind about things to praise God for or bring other people into your mind as you pass their house, so you can then pray for them. While praying when out walking can be good, really there is nowhere that we … Continue reading

The Greatest Love Story

Valentines Day- the day for lovers has been and gone. All the restaurants in the area had special Valentines Day lunches and dinners offered, some with a free rose or glass of champagne. Shops made a fortune encouraging people to but expensive gifts to show how much they loved their Valentines. Thanks to our media we hear a lot about love and from books we learn about the great love stories. Among the great love stories of Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, etc there’s one love story that stands out. It surpasses all of them and it involved the … Continue reading

A Common Problem in Churches

In just about every church I’ve ever belonged to there is a common problem. Too much is left to too few people. But then it’s not just a problem with churches but a problem with any organization. What happens is a person become overcommitted, overworked and can end up burning out. So what is the solution? Maybe it’s as simple as learning to say ‘no.’ The whole problem is people can end up with a false sense of responsibility and think ‘but if I don’t do it, who will?’ No-one is indispensable. If one person does not do the job … Continue reading

The Value of Conversations

Something struck me yesterday while doing a spell check after writing an article. I’d meant to write ‘conversation’ but because I’m the world worst typist – dyslexic fingers, it came out not even close. As a result spell check suggested I meant ‘conversion.’ But that error actually made me think. How often do conversions of family or friends or neighbors come about because of conversations? Statistics in Australia show the majority of people are invited to church or church activities by a friend. It also shows that most people come to know Jesus and commit their lives to Him, which … Continue reading

We See Differently

Last week someone challenged me about what I wrote for this blog. Unless I misread his comment he seemed to suggest that because Christ died for all, we all had the same destiny – of heaven. The way I read it, that’s not what the bible, which is my authority, says. The trouble comes often because we see things differently to the way God sees Isaiah 55:8-9. We tend to categorize people as good or bad. We tend to see sins as major, as in murder and violent crimes or minor, as in telling lies, cheating on income tax, etc. … Continue reading

Some Good People Are Not Going to Heaven

Some good people are not going to go to heaven. That’s what God says. Take a look at John 3:17-18 and you‘ll see that God has laid down the criteria of what it takes to get into heaven and it’s not what many of us expect. And it’s hard. It’s hard to think of people we love who are not going to be there. Not because they’re not generous, kind, loving, thoughtful, committed to their family and spouse, because they are. I was talking to my husband about a guy we know who is all those things. He’s what the … Continue reading

How to Conquer Fear

Fear can stop us achieving our potential. It can stop us trying new things. Now I admit even as I write this, I’m writing it to myself as much as anyone. I’m not the most fearless person out. There are some things I wouldn’t do because fear stops me. That’s okay, if they’re unimportant things. But what if it is something God is calling you do to and you let fear stop you? That’s an entirely different matter. The other day my husband and I were talking about before we moved. We’d put our house in Orange on the market … Continue reading

Start the Year Right

A new year is a good time to think about our Christian life and our relationship with God. A good place to start could be with Psalm 119. With 176 verses, there are lots of great verses in this psalm, but the ones I am focusing on today and next week are verses 9-16. In these days of home renovations, renovations of marriage and what people expect from it, we need to think about renovating our lives. There’s not one of us who doesn’t have something that needs to be changed in our lives. The best way to do that … Continue reading

Take Stock

As we look towards a new year, it is a good time to take stock and to reflect on how our Christian life is going. Sometimes when people are trying to lose weight they can reach a plateau and they end up staying there and never manage to lose that last bit. The thing that usually happens then is they go backwards and can end up putting on the weight they’ve lost and sometimes more. A similar thing can happen in our Christian life. If we do not keep striving to grow and mature in our Christian life, we can … Continue reading

What Makes Christmas, Christmas?

You could be forgiven for thinking Christmas is all about presents, food, family, Santa and all the other things the world pushes at us. On the radio recently the announcer said, ‘What makes Christmas, Christmas?’ He then went on to answer his own question and tell everyone, ‘Christmas is lights, family, food and loyalty points.’ Excuse me? None of those things make Christmas, Christmas. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy looking at Christmas lights and I enjoy Christmas food. I love spending time with family, not just at Christmas but at any time of the year. But none of … Continue reading