Overmyminutes.com: Keep Track of Your Cell Phone Usage

In the world of cell phones, there are two kinds of people. There are those who never use up their minutes and have a roll over plan that continually forwards them to some distant future when cell phones will be imbedded in people’s brains instead of carried around on a hip or in a purse. There are also those who continuously go over their minutes and have to pay a large cell phone bill every month. Both types of people could benefit from keeping track of their minutes. The folks that have more minutes than they are using may see … Continue reading

Japan Warns Parents about Kids and Cell Phones

In Japan, concern about cell phones has nothing to do with cancer. Instead, the focus is on the dangers that cell phones pose to children. In fact, the Japanese government feels that the threat is so real, that it is starting a program to warn parents and schools that they must restrict cell phone use among children. In Japan, cell phones are packed with features, such as high speed Internet access, although Masaharu Kuba, a government official overseeing the new program told the Associate Press (AP) that �Japanese parents are giving cell phones to their children without giving it enough … Continue reading

My Pseudo Cell Phone

My cell phone-less status is being threatened. Next week I will have a birthday, and my husband is already hinting around for ideas on what to get me. By hinting around I mean that he point blanks asks me, �Do you want a cell phone, an iPod or what? If you want both then what about the iPhone?� I crush his hopes almost immediately when I tell him that I don�t need any of that. After all, I could always use his nano, if I really wanted one, although the last time I tried that for morning walks I would … Continue reading

Emergency Alert Text System for Cell Phones

This is a test, this is only a test…Who doesn�t know those words and the distinctive sound that accompanies testing of the Emergency Broadcasting System. And if you have ever been warned of severe weather in your area, you know how valuable that system is for everyone. Well, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has just approved a new nationwide alert system for cell phone users. The plan puts in place a federal agency that will create the messages and relay them to cell phone companies. The alerts will only be available on cell phone services that have agreed to participate … Continue reading

Your Cell Phone Can Warn You of Speed Traps

What do you think of the practice that motorists have of warning each other that there are upcoming speed traps? When you see an oncoming car flashing its lights at you do you think there must be a hidden speed trap, and do you suddenly slow down? Do you warn other motorists if you see police waiting to catch speeders? Well, if you do engage in the process, getting and giving those warnings just got a whole lot easier. All you need is a cell phone or a personal digital assistant to warn about speed traps, red light cameras and … Continue reading

Neurosurgeon Warns that Cell Phones are Worse than Smoking

The debate about whether or not cell phone use increases your risk of cancer has been going on for quite some time. Studies linking cell phone use to cancer are completed, only to be countered with studies that say that there is no risk at all. But here is one report that warrants taking notice. One of the top neurosurgeons in the world is urging people to take precautions with cell phone use, saying that the cell phone use creates a bigger risk for cancer than does smoking. Dr. Vini Khurana, a neurosurgeon who has won 14 awards over the … Continue reading

Cell Phone Care

Ask most people how often they replace their cell phone, and they themselves might be surprised by what they tell you. From a very unscientific and informal survey of friends, relative and readers, I found that at least seven out of ten people (or 70 percent) replace a cell phone at least once a year. While some of these replacements are due to upgrades, the majority of reasons given for replacement were broken, lost or stolen cell phones. Replacing your cell phone can be an expensive business. While most cell phone carriers do offer customers a minimal insurance, most customers … Continue reading