Slingbox: Watch Your Home TV Anywhere In the World!

Have you ever gone on vacation, and wanted to watch your local news back home? I have started traveling quite a bit, and always run into situations where I wish I could watch the channels I know back home. I’ve become quite addicted to our local public television and a few of the shows I like are only broadcast to our local area, so when I miss them, I really miss them. Not anymore. I recently found out about the product Slingbox from a friend of mine, and plan on investing in one before my next big trip. The Slingbox … Continue reading

Sound The Alarm: My Electronics Have Been Stolen!

I spend a good deal of time everyday browsing around the web looking for new and exciting technology, videos and the like. Today I ran across a video on that was actually a British news report. With the high amount of cell phone and identity theft going on in today’s society this company has developed a cell phone alarm that will make your cell phone useless to a thief. The way the service works, should your call phone ever be stolen you call a number letting them know. For me I think the key may even be having that … Continue reading

Dell Lauches New Computer Recycling Program

When you purchase a new computer you are left with the decision of what to do with your old one. Many of us try to sell our computers to people on ebay, or give our older computer to friend who may need one. If you don’t have anyone to give your computer to, or your computer is too old to be useful to someone else, then you may consider throwing your computer away. Many computer manufacturers offer computer recycling programs that allow computer owners to recycle their old computers, but the programs often have the requirement that computer owners purchase … Continue reading

Computer Literacy and Children

In today’s world, computer literacy is a must, and computer education should begin at an early age. Some parents fear that they will push their little ones too hard, but you can teach your children about computers without taking anything away from their childhood. In fact, you might be surprised how much they will enjoy using the computer, and children tend to absorb more when they start young. This is true of everything from gymnastics to learning foreign languages, and it’s just as true of computer literacy. Children are naturally curious, so anything that big people do looks interesting to … Continue reading

A New Wave In Photo Keychains

My grandmother used to carry around a virtual photo album in her purse. When ever any member of the family was mentioned, or could be mentioned she could pull out a wallet full of family photos. I think she could have probably at any moment been able to show you what I looked like every year of my life “Here’s Emily right after she was born”, “Here’s Emily graduating”. As if the wallet photos were not enough, she also had tons of those photo key chains with pictures in them. When I was out shopping a few days ago I … Continue reading

iPod JukeBox: JukeBox Station

I love my iPod. I love iPods enough that I currently own three of them. I really enjoy the convenience of taking my favorite music where ever I am. I had been contemplating the purchase of a good set of iPod speakers for the past few months so I could play my music in a room when I have people over. I use my iPod everywhere I go, why not use I when I’m entertaining as well? Now you truly can share your music with the room around you with the iPod Jukebox Station. The iPod jukebox will hold up … Continue reading

Ralph Lauren Takes Window Shopping to the Extreme

A few years ago I was addicted to purchasing clothes online. I’ve never really been a fan of crowded stores or crowded malls and got really excited about my new ability to scroll through pages upon pages of fantastic clothing items and with the click of a button have all of my selections sent to my house. Back to School shopping was made much easier by the internet in my opinion. Five years ago I was shopping for T-shirts on my computer monitor, for this back to school season Ralph Lauren is allowing you to use the window of their … Continue reading

Digitize Your Workout: Nike + iPod

I’ve never been one for physical fitness. I’ve always tried to workout, but workouts usually lose my interest rather quickly. I managed to go to the gym everyday for about three months when I first joined up, but after that my visits became less and less frequent. I purchased Dance Dance Revolution several years ago, and did that religiously for about six moths before I learned all the dance moves and started to get bored. I still use it, but not nearly enough to consider it my one and only “workout”. I need something that makes me feel challenged, but … Continue reading

Neat Gadgets: Where Are My Keys?

I tend to misplace my car keys at least once a week. No matter how hard I try to keep track of my keys, or my purse for that matter it seems like I am always running around my house when its time to leave looking for a missing item. I came across two items on the web this week that are pretty nifty and will definitely help with that problem. The Loc8tor This little device requires you to “tag” the items that you lose with an electronic transmitter. One the item is tagged however you can track it electronically … Continue reading

Students Use Ring Tones Teachers Can’t Hear

Ah Children. Precious little miracles, but they can be quite a handful at times. Every since the computer revolution began it has always been the younger generation that has been able to adapt and adopt the newest technologies, sometimes in ways that we never expected. Students with cell phones have found a way to get around many of their school’s cell phone policy. Some schools you aren’t allowed to have a phone, and at some you can have one but it cannot be on and is used only in emergencies. The students can’t really have a big talk with friends … Continue reading