Comcast Email Hacked

If you use Comcast email or Internet services you might just be in for a big headache. Last night, unknown hackers got in to Comcast email, despite extensive security measures that were taken by the company to prevent such hacking. Last night, the website (which is linked from as well) was broken in to and displayed a cryptic hacker’s message. Users could not get to their email accounts and the main page is down. Comcast has since taken back control of their domain, although there are still several problems with their website. The website still may not display … Continue reading Lowers Price on Kindle

Do you dream of reading your books electronically? If so, you may be excited by the latest news about the Kindle device on The Internet retail giant announced a 10 percent price cut on the Kindle, bringing the device down from $400 to $360. Will it make a difference. I suppose for people who have been debating buying a Kindle, the $40 price cut may just be the little push off of the fence that they need. Shipping on the Kindle is free, too. The price cut comes at a strange time. We are still so very far away … Continue reading

Japan Warns Parents about Kids and Cell Phones

In Japan, concern about cell phones has nothing to do with cancer. Instead, the focus is on the dangers that cell phones pose to children. In fact, the Japanese government feels that the threat is so real, that it is starting a program to warn parents and schools that they must restrict cell phone use among children. In Japan, cell phones are packed with features, such as high speed Internet access, although Masaharu Kuba, a government official overseeing the new program told the Associate Press (AP) that �Japanese parents are giving cell phones to their children without giving it enough … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: May 19th Through May 25th

Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? If you own an iPod, you very well could be. Read this past week’s article to learn more. Here is the week in review for May 19th through May 25th May 19th Computing Week in Review: May 12th Through May 18th Where do you go when you are online, besides here at, of course? Do you shop, check e-mail, read the news, do research or connect with your friends? What Internet websites would you like to learn more about? Please leave me a comment! May 20th HDTV Settings and Room … Continue reading

Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit

Ready to be a star? GameStop has just released the latest information on the upcoming video game Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit. The bundle for this bit of phenomena of a rock simulator (think Van Halen not mineral) is scheduled to be released tomorrow, on May 27th. For the bundle price of $189.99, you’ll get the game itself plus the whole band kit. The band kit consists of a drum kit, a new guitar (that is said to be vastly improved from the old) and a microphone. You can also just purchase the guitar kit that includes the game … Continue reading

Indiana Jones: The Legend of the Video Games

By now, we are all familiar with the movie-tie in video game. After all, movies today aren’t just movies. They are huge merchandising franchises that produce everything from tie-in toys to tie-in shampoo. In fact, I even heard a rumor of one company that wanted to license a movie tie-in for insecticide. No, I don’t want to even know what the move was that inspired that one. Video game tie-ins are not surprising. After all, you already have a plot (or tasks to complete the story), characters and plenty of graphics that are already conceptualized before a single piece of … Continue reading

How Much Laptop Do You Need?

Computer users are increasingly turning to laptops as a secondary or even primary computer. Laptops, because of their smaller size, are usually more expensive than are desktops. Because of this, the old “give me the works” mentality can make for an expensive purchase. In addition, laptops come in so many different configurations and with so many different features. It is best to first figure out what it is you will be doing with the laptop and then match that usage to the right combination. The first decision to make is the Apple versus the PC. I have to disclose that … Continue reading

Identity Theft Threat to iTunes Users

Users of the popular Apple iTunes online music store may find themselves the victim of stolen identity theft. That is because a new crop of thieves are out to target iTunes users, and so far have had some limited success. The identity theft threat to iTunes users comes in the form of “Phishing,” a technique that has long been seen connected to online banking, PayPal, Ebay and mainstream retail stores. Until now, no one seems to have dared to touch Apple, but recently, however, that has changed. Phishing is a term used to describe the strategy that crooks use to … Continue reading

HDTV Settings and Room Lighting

With the new high definition television (HDTV) sets, you can get amazing picture quality! You will feel as though you are in the movie theater at home or perhaps even in the middle of the movie itself, and the picture quality gets closer and closer to reality. Unfortunately, you can also get eye strain, garish colors and more if your setting and room lighting aren’t correct. In fact, I would bet that most HDTV users haven’t considered some of the basic things that should be done before watching your HDTV. Let’s first take a look at lighting. Most people turn … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: May 12th Through May 18th

Where do you go when you are online, besides here at, of course? Do you shop, check e-mail, read the news, do research or connect with your friends? What Internet websites would you like to learn more about? Please leave me a comment! Meanwhile, here is the Computing Blog week in review for May 12th through May 18th. May 12th Computing Week in Review: May 5th Through May 11th Have you heard of Sniplits? Our guest blogger, Courtney brings us information all about this interesting website. Other stories this past week include one on the video game that will … Continue reading