Design with Legos

This has got to be one of the best free software programs out there! Read on to learn all about it, including where you can get your own copy. My oldest son is crazy about Legos. He can spend hours designing and building creations. Little block people with yellow heads get to drive sleek vehicles such as a laser-powered space ship, or fortify themselves behind elaborate high tech fortresses. Sometimes his visions are so complicated that he attempts to put them down on paper first. That is why I know that this free software program will have him jumping up … Continue reading

Kids Web Menu

This free program helps parents keep their children, even ones as young as two, safe on the web. Kids Web Menu 1.4 is an interface that you can install for use on your Windows PC. The software works by limiting children to visiting only pre-approved websites. Parents can choose what websites the kiddies can visit, and password protect their selections. Once running, the interface cannot be minimized (parents can click in a special area to get out of the program), so the little ones can’t go browsing around the computer. The manufacturer promises that kids can play online without any … Continue reading

Free Photo Editing Software

You can edit your photos and images without paying hundred of dollars for photo editing software. Check out these download for free photo editing programs. You’ll find everything from easy widgets for quick resizing of images to full-blown photo editing tools. You can do everything from editing photos before printing them to creating artful images for your online signature or website. is a free full scale image editing tool for Windows computers that was originally created as an undergraduate college design project. It is still supported and maintained by some of the alumni who originally created it. It … Continue reading

Google Desktop

Can’t find that e-mail message from Lisa that had her phone number in it? And what ever happened to that photo of your son on the playground that you are sure you downloaded to your hard drive? With Google Desktop, you can easily search your entire hard drive to find what you need. Of course you are familiar with Google, the powerful search engine that you probably use everyday. In fact, it is so popular that it has spawned it’s own verb tense, as in “Okay, I admit it, I googled my old high school boyfriend, yesterday.” (Oh come on, … Continue reading

Spider-Man 3 Video Game is Promising

If you have boys in your house then chances are pretty good that you know all about Spiderman 3. I can’t tell you the number of times I catch little bits of the Spider-man theme floating through our house uttered by my eldest son. Spider-man is everywhere including in the third video game in a very successful Spider-man series. Created by Activision, a company that goes all of the way back to the Atari 2600 days, this third game promises the best features of the previous two Spider-man video games enhanced to a new level. In this game, Spider-man gets … Continue reading

Road Testing Vista

I fight with myself every time a new Windows operating system is released. On one hand, let’s be practical. Newly released software is frequently buggy. Why mess with it until it’s been tweaked and tuned and becomes less likely to make you want to bang your head into your keyboard like that ex-significant other? On the other hand, if it’s new, state of the art, and shiny, I’ve just got to try it, consequences be darned. So I have officially upgraded to Vista, despite the naysayers and doomsday prophecies, and, so far, so good. The box claims you can run … Continue reading

Free 60 Day Trial of Office 2007

For the last year, I have been beta testing pre-releases of what would eventually become the latest version of Office. Office 2007 is a substantial upgrade on previous versions, and right now, you can try it for free for 60 days. What can you expect from Microsoft’s latest offering? Forget the tired old interface you’re used to. This isn’t the usual minor face lift with a few program tweaks. Office 2007 has been completely redesigned from the ground up to be “results-oriented,” and looks like nothing you’ve seen before. Menus and toolbars are gone, and in their place is a … Continue reading

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Beta Review

My gaming friends and I have been waiting for the release of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes for what feels like forever. Last month, I got in on beta four testing and, now that the non-disclosure agreement has been lifted, can tell you I’m a bit disappointed. Having played Everquest, Everquest II, and World of Warcraft, I was hoping this much hyped new MMORPG would have something different to offer. While the game has just opened in public beta and will likely continue to improve, right now it plays like just another remix of the aforementioned. The user interface is nearly … Continue reading

Windows Vista is on the Way!

It has been five years since Windows XP was released on the market. Now, Microsoft is ready with their newest release Windows Vista. Vista has been highly anticipated in the computing world for quite some time, which makes its release extra special for PC users. Microsoft plans on released a version to their corporate customers on November 30th of this year, and then to their regular consumers on January 30, 2007. So should you wait and buy a computer after January 30th to make sure you get the new operating system? Maybe. Microsoft announced a little while ago that they … Continue reading

Google Earth: Get a Bird’s-Eye View of your Home

Do you ever wonder what the world looks like, from up above? Now you can see it all using Google Earth. I actually took a look at this program by Google while it was still in Beta form. The Beta version of the program was something you could watch on a web page, now you have to download a program onto your computer, but the resolution of the video looks to be much better. The program is free, and using a cable internet connection takes less than a minute to download and install onto your computer. Once you open the … Continue reading