Computer Dictionary: E

With all of the iPhone news out there lately, we have taken a little break with our dictionary terms, but don’t worry, we will get through the entire alphabet. At the end of all of our letters, we will be regular “techies.” Here we go with the latest in the computer dictionary series, the letter “E.” E&M: E&M, stands for “ear and mouth.” It is a term that is used in voice over internet protocol networks, when you make telephone calls using the internet rather than a traditional land-based or mobile phone. E&M refers to a handset, like the traditional … Continue reading

Computer Dictionary: D

Ready for the “D” list? Here are a bunch of words and phrases related to computers and technology. Did you know that there are some cases in the world of computers where it is okay to say “Damn?” DAB: DAB or Digital Audio Broadcasting is also known as digital radio or high-definition radio. With DAB, a regular analog radio signal is converted to a digital signal and translated over a regular FM or AM frequency range. Users must have a receiver equipped to handle the DAB. First deployed in the United Kingdom in 1995, DAB is very popular through Europe. … Continue reading

Computer Dictionary: C

Want to get a handle on all of those technical computing terms? Or maybe you are just curious and want to know how to speak like the pros. We’ll get through the alphabet together and discover some of the more commonly used words, phrases and definitions. Cache: This word is pronounced like the money, “cash.” It refers to a place to store data on a temporary basis. A good example of cache is when you visit a web page. All of the graphics and some other files are generally saved in a cache subdirectory, under the directory for your browser. … Continue reading

Computer Dictionary: B

When someone asks if you have a bluetooth, do you rush to a mirror and get ready to schedule that dentist appointment? Of course you don’t, because you are tech savvy. You are up on all of the current technical terms. You read the Computer Dictionary here at Here, in our latest installment, are some commonly used terms that start with the letter, “B.” Back door: When someone talks about a back door, they are talking about gaining access to a computer program in a way that bypasses the regular security mechanisms. Programmers sometimes create back doors so they … Continue reading

Computer Dictionary: A

Confused by all of those computer terms? Just check out this dictionary for explanations. You’ll be talking like a techie in no time. Technical terms seem to change by the week. Even someone who is used to working with computers may not be able to keep up with all of the terminology that takes place in the offices of the information services department or even at the local Starbucks. In the spirit of understanding, or maybe curiosity, I’ll be posting some of the more common computing terms and their definitions. Learn the terms, and while you may not be the … Continue reading

Inserting Attachments: Outlook Express

Want to insert attachments in Outlook Express? Whether it is a document or an image, there are three easy ways to insert an attachment into your e-mail message. For this tip, we are working with Outlook Express 6 e-mail messages, but these tips may still apply to older versions of the software. The first way to attach your document or image is by clicking on the attachment button. You will find this button on the new message toolbar. Clicking on this button causes a dialogue box to pop up. This box is the insert attachment box. It will ask you … Continue reading

Laptop vs. Desktop

Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? I recently purchased a laptop computer which I absolutely love. Before I bought my previous computer I was forced with the decision “Laptop or Desktop?” I love the portability of laptops, but at the time I decided the slightly less expensive desktop computer was a better choice. Desktops are easier to upgrade, have larger hard drives and are a little more difficult to steal. At the time I made my purchase I lived in a college dorm and was concerned about the possibility of my roommate leaving our door unlocked one … Continue reading

Did you upgrade to Vista?

Earlier this week Microsoft released their newest operating Microsoft Vista to millions of anxious computer users. People camped out outside of electronics and computer stores to count themselves as one of the first to have the newest operating system on their PC. Have any of you upgraded to Vista? I’ll admit I am one of the masses who upgraded to Vista. In my defense however my “upgrade” was really my first use of any type of Windows operating system on my computer. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro, which can use Windows and OSX. I hadn’t installed Windows on my … Continue reading

When Do You Buy A New Computer?

With the release of Windows Vista a lot of people are faced with the problem of whether to upgrade their existing computer to support the OS, stick with their old copy of Windows, or simply purchase a new computer. That got me to thinking…How often do you purchase a new computer? I purchased a G4 PowerMac early in 2001. I used that computer exclusively until December of last year when I purchased a MacBook Pro laptop. I absolutely love my laptop, it was one of those purchases I contemplated for years before actually making however. For me I think I’m … Continue reading

When Do You Upgrade Your OS?

How often do you replace your operating system? The more I think about it, the more this question more than likely doesn’t apply to many people. Windows operating systems usually come out every couple of years. If you purchased a computer at the beginning of one operating system, then you are more than likely going to be ready for a whole new computer by the time the next one comes around. I have been using the same Mac G4 since 2001. In that time I think I have upgraded operating systems…3 times maybe? Each time I upgraded was not because … Continue reading